May 26, 2004 12:29
Dedication to all misunderstandings that I have done
I’m sorry for any misleading in which I have given you, I’m sorry that I am a very flirtatious person and have made you think the wrong thing. Lately I’ve realized that I end up hurting people that I know and care about because I tend to lead them on and I don’t mean to. So I’m sorry. Maybe its true that you cant have friends with the opposite sex but I don’t want to believe that. So I’m sorry. I really sorry for any pain I may have caused you.
At this moment I have mixed feelings to weather or not I want a boyfriend…and to an extent I do but right now with all these complications that I’m going through I cant.
I like any other girl who wants what they cant have and then once they get it they don’t want it anymore. And I’m ignorant in the fact that when something good comes my way like there’s someone who can treat me right and be there for me I end up looking past it and it slips by.
I don’t know what to do anymore except to just stay single to make everyone else happy or content. Because I don’t want to hurt any body but also because just like so many others I cant get what I want.
Things are just to much in a CLUSTER FUCK right now so here it is…. My apology to everyone I’ve ever hurt in anyway. I love you and I’m sorry that I don’t feel the same way and that I’m too weird of a person to figure out what I want. Please forgive me please still be my friend.