Oct 17, 2004 14:27
mmm kamella....
10 Years Ago, I...
1. was fucking obsessed with dinosaurs
2. was in a slowly declining school situated on a hill above an eeire forest and a valley
3. was just getting into computerizational thingies
4. was loved by all the women
5. could barely wipe my own ass
5 Years Ago, I...
1. was in 7th grade
2. knew how to get free porn
3. fished 8 hours a day, every day, except weekends, when i fished for 12 hours
4. was a god at red alert
5. never did any homework
3 Years Ago, I...
1. was froshing it up
2. had like 2 friends
3. never left my house
4. sniffed glue
5. was extremely small and squeakish
1 Year Ago, I...
1. wasn't racist yet
2. had a couple more friends
3. was extremely small and annoying
4. just started to like metal
5. thought i was awesome
So far this year, I've...
1. lost weight
2. totally changed the way i look
3. leanred how to do the water drop sound without my finger
4. become decently popular ish
5. met a few awesome people
Yesterday, I...
1. took the psat
2. joined an awesome free porn site
3. decided to change the blade on my razorknife
4. went to my little brother's ymca football game...he lost :(
5. beheld the glory that is FIGHT CLUB
Today, I...
1. am going to go to the pistons game
2. already had like 5 sodas
3. feel cleaner than i've felt in months
4. didn't shave...which i assume is why number three happened
5. spilled fresca all over my pants
Tomorrow, I will...
1. go to school
2. probably fail some kind of quiz i forgot about
3. wake up before the sun
4. be at school by the time everyone else wakes up
5. probably not shave.