(no subject)

Nov 26, 2009 22:59

Meme stolen from Jchan.

Comment and I'll give you three fandoms, for which you must answer these:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

What got you into this fandom in the first place?

Initially I didn't even want to read CCS. I'd just come off reading MKR, and saw CCS in the store and opened it. It was all white and bubbly and I thought it looked foolish and silly so I passed it up. I don't quite remember why I gave it a real try. Like Tutu, I think I saw people going on about it and so I tried it and fell absolutely in love. It's my ultimate fluff + substance and the dramatic points aren't so over the top (like most shoujo) that I lose my suspension of disbelief. I fell in love with the fact it doesn't try to be more than it is.

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

Heck. Yeah. 'Better' manga are out there and I do love those, but this will always stay with me. Sakura and Syaoran will never stop being my faves even if Tsubasa tried to mess with that. It's like Zelda--I might leave it for years, but I always come back, childish and wide-eyed with wonder.

Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

(manga) The lake with her 'mom,' the chapter with the grandfather, Syaoran's confession, the fricken ending of awesome beautifulness.
(anime) Tomoyo trapped in the school, the second movie--the entirety of the second movie.

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

Not so much anymore, although I had written a few fics for it. But I'm always up for discussion/gushing.

Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

Yeah! It's just so cute~ Although I urge new people to stay away from fanfic since it's all AU and mostly terrible. And people seem to have problems with certain pairings. >.> (Hint: Tomoyo doesn't love Eriol. She very clearly stated who she loved.)

What got you into this fandom in the first place?

In high school my friend offered to sell me his Suikoden game for $5. I didn't buy it at first, and it went through a few hands, but eventually I got ahold of it and played it freshman year of college and yeah. Insta!love. I'm all for RPGs in general, and this had everything I love--epic battles, story, fun characters and Chinese clothing. >.> But overall it was just fun to play and follow along as this rebellion unfolded. Subsequent games didn't disappoint (even 4 has good parts).

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

I think so. I love these games to pieces and replay them often--at least the first games and 5, although lately I've had an urge to replay 3. I'd play 2 more if I owned it (curse you, Konami!). And the story isn't over yet, so I'll keep following it until the end. Now to play Tierkris and finish Suikoden Tactics...

Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

This is difficult as it's a series of games, so I'll just use my fave scenes in each game. There will prolly be spoilers but I'll try to be as vague as possible.

Suikoden: Soniere Prison, the confrontation in the Crystal Mountain area, (with all 108 Stars) the final speech before the last battle, the Souleater.

Suikoden II: Confrontation after the escape from Greenhill, Nanami carrying Riou away from the Tinto mines, battle at Rockaxe, Jowy and Pilika and Jillia farewells, the fall of Luca Blight, the cooking game, the perfect ending, and being able to use Tir.

Suikoden III: Villain reveal, final boss, the perfect ending (third mini flame)

Suikoden IV: TED!!!, realising who the hero is, the Rune of Punishment, Snowe becoming your bitch.

Suikoden V: What Really Happened flashback, the betrayal, the final night (walking around the castle), sneaking into the Dragon Horse den, defending the castle, the perfect ending, the normal ending (especially the credits for a certain someone), and the less-than-64-Stars ending, aka Oh Dear God Why?!ending.

Of course I know I missed tons of scenes, and not all these scenes are faves because they fill me with happy--dear God do they not fill me with happy. ;_; But they're very powerful or memorable scenes.

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

Not so much anymore, although I'd love to write fanfic. Mainly I just gush or search out fanfic/doujin as the urge demands. And horde icons.

Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

YES. These are excellent games full of intrigue, betrayal, death, magic, and pretty pretty people. It has something for everyone, be they shippers or strategists or people interested in Chinese legends ripped apart so much it's almost impossible to see the source material. >.> More people need to play these games!

What got you into this fandom in the first place?

My flist was all over it back in the day. I'd begun it before that but only got passed that first arc with Zabuza. I'd liked it but not enough to continue, and then a few years(?) later the flist exploded and I ate it up. I do believe I started right after the Time Skip, because when I caught up it had basically just begun. But yeah, the flist and then fun characters, ninja, and some cool battles sucked me in.

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

No. I've basically quit it (finally) although I still have some lingering hangings-on. I still love the world as Kishi originally created it, and even if he ignores them or turns their characterisation on its head, he made some fun characters. But other than reading the occasional fanfic I'm done.

Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

Definitely the Barrel Arc. To me that's still the best--and I mean the entire damn thing, but especially Chouji's and Neji's fights. The Hinata vs Neji fight, the moment in the Bridge Arc when Sasuke was stabed with 19738 needles, Asuma's death. (To clarify, like Suikoden, the Asuma scene isn't because I like it, but because it's memorable and beautiful in a way.) Naruto meeting his dad, Naruto finding out about Jiraiya (see Asuma), and Hinata being the only one to help Naruto vs Pain ahosuduoaa eff you Kishi.

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

Oh heck yeah I did. I never had and prolly never will again write so much for a series. I'd like to think it helped me mature as a writer, but I don't really think it did.

Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

Honestly, I'd tell anyone starting to only read to the Time Skip and then stop. That's all they need to read. But I don't think I'd encourage anyone to get invested in this series. It's left me with a very very bitter taste.

Also, Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends~ Enjoy your turkey since I can't 'cause Japan sucks like that woe is me~

holiday, suikoden, ccs, meme, naruto, fandom

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