(no subject)

Jun 23, 2009 23:53

So! I'm still processing the movie, and ideally I'd like to see it again, but here are my initial impressions/thoughts/likes/dislikes.

Overall, I quite enjoyed it. There were battles and giant robots and Sam being absolutely adorable. Love that psychotic bastard. The score was beautiful once again, the cinematography excellent, and good acting.

Things I disliked:
-Too much action, not enough explanation. Seriously, I lost track of which robot was which, who was who, and such.

-I didn't really care about the other robots. There was no backstory, no defining features. Arcee got almost no screen time and I wasn't even sure who she was for, uh, the entire movie. Was she one of the bikes or all three, and if so how was that possible? I'm sure that's based on my Transformer knowledge dwindling. But overall, none of the Transformers got really any personality, and that really, really saddens me.

I mean really, who the heck was the silver car anyway? Did they ever even say?

-Megatron got shafted. After his fight with Optimus (which wasn't even as epic as it shoulda been), his role was basically just to say "My Master" all the time. Where's my megalomaniac? Same with The Fallen. The Big Bads got like...no screen time.

-Not so much a dislike, but I didn't cry at Optimus' death (I almost did though). It coulda been so much more, but they didn't focus enough on it. Prolly 'cause they knew he'd come back, but that lost impact since they didn't really drive in the fact that he fricken got ripped apart.

Things I liked:
-The music~

-Sam being Sam.

-The cheesy 80's Optimus dialogue. Oh the cheesy dialogue <3

-Jetfire, or whatever his name was. He was crazy and quirky and I loved him for it.


-SOUNDWAVE AND HIS VOICE. Oooohmygosh I started jumping up and down in my seat when he was all "Soundwave reporting" and his voice. Total fangasm, there.

Overall I did enjoy it. In some ways it was more cohesive than the first, and it did have more giant robots. However, all the robots blurred together and even established ones got no extra characterisation. It was not a characterising movie, but was based all around the giant explosions plot giant explosions. Not that this is a bad thing, but I wanted to get to know the robots.

Kinda like how the first movie (80's) started out awesome...and then kinda got into buh? territory and then turned awesome again. Only this one didn't have Leonard Nemoy.

Also Spaz, I sent out your monies today. Please let me know if it doesn't reach you by sometime next week.

movies, transformers, fandom

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