(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 06:55

So, saw Star Trek last night.


I want the soundtrack like burning. Burning. Ohmygoshyay. YAY I SAY.

Kirk has never been my favorite captain. But hot DAMN if he wasn't ten forms of awesome in this movie.

When Spock mentioned alternate realities I was all "Ooooh so that's his excuse for getting away with shit" and then I didn't care anymore because FRICKEN YES.

Uhura <3

SCOTTIE AND CHEKOV SQUEE. Ooooohmygosh he was so cute! And Scottie was just awesomesauce all the way.

Didn't like the Romulans so much. I didn't even know they were Romulan until they mentioned it. Am still unsure about the tattooes.

THE MUSIC. When it first shows the Enterprise and that music cue? I almost cried, it was so moving and awesome and ohmygosh it was so beautiful. When they repeated it outside Saturn I had the same reaction.

JoJo actually did cry at the beginning of the movie. It was rather moving, although we all thought Kirk was born a bit too fast. But then we couldn't have that shot of Papa!Kirk when he hears the baby cry and for that I will forgive many things.

Oh Red Shirt, we hardly knew ye.

Sulu: Fencing.
Us: YES.

Felt sooo bad for the people in front of us, since we giggled and laughed and reacted like a bunch of past Trekkies oughta. Felt bad for the people behind us when we "live long and prosper"-ed the screen.

Ah, I wanna see it again. Can I justify spending that much monies...?

star trek, fangirling, squeak is a dork

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