
Mar 17, 2009 17:03


1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on ...

I was tagged by Fichan. Here goes:

1. What is the weirdest thing you've seen/done in Japan?

JoJo's lunch for graduation day Hmm... Well, it always weirds me out when I walk to school and the boys are outside changing from their gym clothes because they had early morning practice. Nothing quite like walking in on 13-14 year old boys in boxer shorts. -_-x

But the weirdest thing for me will still be the school system. Kids get away with shit we never would have been able to, but get punished for things that don't even register for me. I've had kids get up and start wrestling with each other in the middle of class (more than once) and they're just told to sit down and basically ignored. But then I've seen a kid pulled by the neck of his shirt backwards off his chair for a joke (at least, I'm not sure, but he kept saying じょうだんじょうだん at the teacher).

2. Who is your favorite celebrity?

I really like Jon Stewart. He's smart, witty and quite handsome, and he never fails to make me smile. Even when he's making me wanna cry (see his first show after 9/11), I still absolutely adore that man.

3. What is your least favorite color?

I do not like the color orange very much, or yellow. Yellow more so because it's so bright. I prefer darker, cool colors. Yellow (and sometimes orange) is glaring and seems like it's shouting all the time.

4. Besides Hinata, what other fictional character do you identify with most?

Mia Ausa, from Lunar. She's shy and sweet but always trying to hide in the shadows and is ridiculously unsure of herself. But there's a part of her that wants to break out of that and become a capable person, and I really really respect that. The fact that both her and Hinata manage to do so while retaining everything that makes them them makes me really happy. Contrary to what my brother-in-law thinks, I don't think people, especially shy or reserved people, need to do a complete personality swap to be competent and well-adjusted individuals.

Basically, I wanna be as badass as them when I grow up. The uber magic powers help, too.

5. What do you like best about yourself?

Uuuh. >.> Honestly I don't know. I try not to think "oh I like this" about myself because I grew up thinking that doing so was a bad thing. It was a misunderstanding on my part, but I always feel really selfish and braggy to say or think about myself like that and it's not easy to tell myself I'm being silly.

But that being said, um. I kinda hate it at the same time for various reasons, but the fact that I can get so into things. If I like something I really like it, and I don't half-ass that feeling. Like when I got into Naruto I dove right in. It's bad because it's, y'know, obsessive, but I don't wanna think that having strong feelings for something is inherently bad or childish.

random, meme

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