Christmas fics a go-go~

Dec 25, 2008 21:15

So! Here's the Christmas ficcies I wrote for the peeps what requested. If it's ok, I'd also like to put them on my writing journal just so I have my writings all in one spot.

First up: Redbrunja
Fandom: Naruto
Prompt: Sakura as Hokage, Saku/Kaka
Words: 309
Notes: I really hope this is ok. I haven't written Sakura in...a very long while. And this technically is AU, but would fit after the latest chapter as well.

The pomp and circumstance, while expected, was no less grating. Even with Tsunade’s political prowess, she still wasn’t sure how her predecessor had put up with everything for so long, but she knew it was really just another thing to live up to and exceed. She had a lot of expectations for herself, after all.

“Hokage-sama.” The voice would have surprised her only a few years before, but she’d become accustomed to his presence. He no longer took her off guard.

“Not you, too,” she said, and turned to face him. Even now, after so many years of knowing him, he still hid behind that mask. Although it did amuse her to hear the young Academy students wonder among themselves if the black fabric was grafted onto his face. “I expect my friends to still use my name.”

He nodded in acknowledgement, his eyes turned up slightly in that way that hinted at a smile. “Sakura-sama.”

The way he said it gave her shivers, as though she were still a young woman with her first lover. Years had passed since that was true, and he was far from her first, but the feeling was pleasant in a nostalgic way.

“Kakashi,” she nodded back as she said his name, and he smiled more behind the mask. She turned back to look out over the village and felt him come to stand behind her, just out of her peripheral vision. “We’ve come a long way, huh.”

“A fair bit.”

She smiled and crossed her arms under her breasts; the same stance Tsunade had always used. “I’m gonna make sure we never go back. Any of us.”

He bowed his head and remained a while before slowly backing away, and left Sakura to look out over the repairs to the half-destroyed village, her smile disappearing.

No, they would definitely never go back.

Next: Fichan
Fandom: Naruto
Prompt: Hanabi and Hinata, healing
Words: 435
Notes: This had actually started out differently (it actually lead into things), but I thought it was more dramatic this way. Hanabi is hard to write ;_;

“You know I always hated you.”

Hinata paused only a second, the papers she’d been rifling through a few moments ago stilling in her hands. Hanabi sat across from her, her back rigid and eyes narrowed. “I know.”

Hanabi’s hands fisted against her knees. “You’ll just accept that? You could never hide your feelings about anything else but you’ll just calmly accept the fact you were hated and do nothing?” She leaned in close, her face inches from her sister’s. “That’s what I’ve always hated about you! Aren’t you stronger than that?”

Hinata didn’t flinch, but the smile that lifted the corners of her lips was sad. “I don’t think it’s weak to accept the truth. And there was nothing I could do to change your mind, either.” Her eyes softened. “Although I am curious why you keep using the past tense.” She’d meant the words to ease her younger sister, but the girl stiffened slightly, the gesture almost imperceptible.

After a moment Hanabi leaned back, not quite able to meet her sister’s eyes. “The Elders always said you were useless, and Father never corrected them, so there was no reason for me to believe otherwise. I didn’t see you much, and when I did it was really obvious the difference in our levels. Even when you stood up to Neji-niisan and lost it was just more proof about how weak you were.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “But then that Uzumaki boy said the same things you did, and he won.” Hanabi gripped her pants tightly. “I didn’t know what to think about that.”

“Naruto-kun does that,” Hinata said softly, glancing away in thought. The exams had been years ago, and she hadn’t seen that particular battle, but the memories were still strong despite everything that had happened since then.

“The Elders still said you were useless at the same time they cursed Neji,” Hanabi continued. “But Father accepted niisan, and he grew kind towards you, and I realized I was wrong.” She hesitated, and Hinata almost reached out to touch her sister, worried. “So… I’m sorry, neesan.”

Hinata smiled softly. “It’s alright, Hanabi. There’s nothing to apologise for.”


“I already forgave you years ago,” Hinata cut the younger girl off, although her voice was gentle. “I don’t want to hold a grudge against the people I love.”

Hanabi stared at her sister for a while, even after the older girl picked up her papers and started reading through them, her cheeks pink.


Hinata glanced up at her sister’s hesitant voice. “Yes?”

Hanabi smiled back, small and a little unsure. “Thank you.”

Next: Jchan
Fandom: Suikoden (5, in this case)
Prompt: something cute - Miakis, Lyon, and the prince, in this case
Words: 660
Notes: Uuuuh, I prolly stepped on canon's shoes but I don't care. >.>

“She is so adorable, Prince!”

Miakis held the young prince’s arm as she dragged him down the hallway towards the Queen’s Knight’s meeting room. Ferid had recently returned and rumor had it he’d brought a child with him. Miakis’ excitement as enough of an excuse to justify the prince’s own curiosity, but he still didn’t enjoy being pulled along.

“When did you see her?”

“When Lord Ferid came back I caught a glimpse. She’s only this big!” She released his arm held out her hands at about the prince’s own height and giggled. “Won’t it be great to have someone your age to play with? Oh! Maybe you’ll fall in love!”

The prince shied away from Miakis at that, a blush staining his pale cheeks, but the young Knight-in-training grabbed his arm again and pulled him along.

They stopped abruptly near the door to the room and Miakis laid a finger to her lips. Together they slipped as quietly as possible up to the door, and she let the prince in front of her so he could peek through the crack. The first thing he saw was his father’s back and he frowned. The crack was too narrow to see much of anything else, and he couldn’t really follow the hushed conversation.

Miakis tapped his arm gently and his eyes darted around the room one last time before he shook his head. He could almost imagine the girl’s sigh. He did make a noise, however, when his father turned slightly and a small, pale girl with dark hair came into view.

She didn’t look very healthy, and her eyes never stayed in one place for long. They did pause when she looked over at the door, and the prince scurried back quickly-or tried to, but Miakis was pressed close behind him, her face pressed to the crack. There was no way to hide the sound as they both crashed to the floor, and Ferid’s footsteps grew loud very fast.

“Well, if it isn’t my son! And Miakis!” Ferid’s smile was bright and he pulled the two children into the room, making sure to ruffle the prince’s hair while he was at it. “Lyon, here’s the boy I was just telling you about!”

“Father, stop,” he protested, his blush growing stronger. Ferid just laughed and pushed him towards the girl-Lyon, he’d said. The prince shifted his weight a bit before he glanced back at his father and then at the girl. She looked just as unsure as he felt, and he smiled slightly as he bowed his head in greeting. “Nice to meet you.”

The girl watched him for a long while, until he began to squirm, and then she bowed very low. “My name is Lyon.” Her voice was deeper than he’d expected. “Thank you for accepting me.”

Ferid laughed as the prince stared, and suddenly he was pitching forward as his father smacked him on the back. Miakis ran past and grabbed Lyon’s hands as she introduced herself. Lyon stared at their hands until the prince finally reached out to touch the young girl’s arm. She stiffened and Miakis’ grip tightened just a little.

“Lyon.” They all looked at Ferid as he spoke, his arms crossed over his chest and his face serious. “You meant what you said, right?”

“I did.”

Ferid’s lips twitched into a brief smile. “Good. Then from today on you are to protect my son with your life. This is your first and most important duty as a Queen’s Knight in training.” Miakis smiled brightly but the prince turned towards his father, eyes wide.

“What? But Father, I-“

Ferid pulled Lyon’s hands from Miakis’ and put them in the prince’s. He stared for a long while, but Ferid just smiled encouragingly and Miakis urged him on with hand motions and winks. He finally studied Lyon’s face, and smiled when he saw a faint blush on her cheeks.

Very slowly, Lyon smiled back.

Next: Mecchan
Fandom: Tsubasa
Prompt: cute!Sakura/Syaoran
Words: 266
Notes: Um, this convo prolly woulda happened much earlier (if it ever did). Based off the Flashback of Doom, but spoilers are more implied than anything.

“Ne, Syaoran, what’s your world like?”

Syaoran turned to look at the princess, her hair waving in the breeze even as they laid atop the roof to watch the birds.

“Well, it’s not a desert. There are a lot of buildings, and there’s electricity and cars and-“ He cut off as Sakura blinked at him, her eyes a little too wide. “Ah, sorry. It’s uh, well… It’s a lot different.”

“What’s a car?”

Syaoran grinned. “It’s a, uh…” He closed his eyes and thought. “It’s sort of like a cart, but it has a top and it carries people in seats. And it moves by itself.” He opened his eyes and turned to Sakura, and blushed at the look on her face. “They’re really not all that special, though.”

“That sounds amazing!” She laughed and lifted her hands towards the sky, her eyes shining. “It must be so much fun!”

Her enthusiasm was contagious, but Syaoran couldn’t stop the pang of guilt. How was everyone doing? His father, mother, that boy…


His named pulled him from his thoughts, as did the feel of soft fingers holding his, and he turned his head to see Sakura watching him.

“Ne, Syaoran. When we’re older and I’m stronger, could I take us to visit your world? Mother says there are ways to pass dimensions that the high priests know.” She blushed and looked up at the birds passing overhead. “I’ll study even harder, ok?”

He smiled sadly and nodded. If only…

“I would really like that, Sakura.” She smiled and cheered, and Syaoran squeezed her hand tight.

And last: Spaz
Fandom: Naruko RP AU
Prompt: none, I just did this one to do it >.>
Words: 526
Notes: AU future of Naruko RP, mainly just for crack purposes <3

Hinaji flinched as he waited for the inevitable leap onto his stomach, but it never came. He peeked his eyes open and groaned-by the darkness, dawn was still hours away. But Hikaru and Hige were standing impatiently by the bed, their little fingers drumming the sheets beside him and their lips pressed into thin lines as they tried to hide their smiles and impatience.

“Tousan, wake up!”

Hinaji would never understand their obsession with waking him early; their mother never got such treatment. “What is it, Hikaru?” His voice was soft despite the way the twins found yelling at early hours acceptable.

“Get up, it’s Christmas!” Hikaru’s fingers drummed harder, and Hinaji heard Kiba let out a breath in a quiet laugh from behind him. The sound did not get passed their young son. “You too, kaasan!”

Like a dog smelling fear the twins ran around the bed to wake their mother, and Kiba just barely managed to fend them off, laughing softly the entire time.

“Aww, how come you don’t gotta wear clothes to bed?” Hinaji blushed at their daughter’s question, but Kiba laughed harder.

“Because grown ups don’t have to,” she answered to protests of ‘But we’re already seven!’ “Now go, tousan and kaasan will be out in a few minutes.” Hinaji was jealous of how bright her voice was despite everything.

Once the children had rushed out, their peals of laughter earning happy barks from Enka, Kiba turned and snuggled up to Hinaji. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“We should probably go before they destroy something.”

Kiba let out a quick laugh and kissed his chest. “We have at least five minutes.” She kissed him some more, and Hinaji was beginning to think they might be able to get away with something when they were interrupted by two very shrill voices.

“Kaa~san! Tou~san!”

Hinaji sighed and Kiba gave him one long, deep kiss before she pulled away. He was left a little disoriented until Kiba leaned down to whisper in his ear. He must have missed when she grabbed her robe, but his eyes latched onto her hands as she tied the sash around her waist.

“The rest of your present comes later.”

His face flushed and he threw the covers off, ignoring the cold as he grabbed his robe and threw it on. They found the children in the kitchen, happily sitting at the table with both burnt and runny eggs tossed together on a plate, and heaps of charred toast. A bowl clanged along the floor as Enka pushed it around, licking it clean. Akako was happily eating from a plate full of runny eggs.

“Tousan, kaasan!” The twins jumped off their chairs and ran towards them and hugged their legs. “We made you breakfast! Merry Christmas!”

Hinaji looked at the kitchen, torn between despair and amusement. But Hige was leading him towards the table and sat him down and tucked a bib into the opening of his robe. He just couldn’t say no to her, even with nasty eggs and burnt toast.

He could, however, wonder just what the rest of the day had in store.

Merry Christmas, everybody~

suikoden, ficcage, presents, naruto, naruko, tsubasa, christmas

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