whine whine

Sep 07, 2008 20:54

I feel like writing something and have no ideas/drive. Rereading my last Zelda fic I find myself wanting to write something like that again--I really like how it turned out. But I have no fandoms what are speaking to me right yet and no ideas even if they were.

I kinda miss back when Naruto was inspirational. ;_;

And I've been so tired lately due to school that I don't even have time to write anymore anyway. And I can't get a new fandom because it would eat up too much time. ^^; I really need one though. One that lends towards introspective fic and fun characters and pairings I can really dig.

Oh, but I do have to say. CLAMP? I love you. "He's always careful what he puts in his mouth." You ship bait worse than Bryan and Mike.

writing, fandom

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