(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 23:29

So, I realise I haven't, y'know, let anyone know what's been up.

Been having a good time here with Spaz (despite some setbacks) and I really don't wanna go home on Thursday. >.> Sorry Spaz, I <3 your bed.

Seeing Mecchan on Sunday was awesome! We went into Chicago and I took lotsa pics and saw Sue the T. Rex and it was so so so fun~ Burns aside. ^^;

I also realised I haven't let most peeps know, but I got my placement for Japan! I'm gonna be in Kobe, which is 20 minutes away from Osaka. It's a main city, but not a metropolis, but there are still over a million peeps there. Haauuu. I am soooooo scared/nervous/excited/ohmygoshwut.

Anywho! Spaz and I haven't killed each other (except in Brawl) and it's really great here~

spaz is love, jet, trip

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