I am a bad, bad bad bad person. But all I could think is that Heroes is great with the incest!shipping. >.> Alejandro and Maya totally gave me shipping vibes and I have no idea what to think about that. ^^; Also, Alejandro is frelling hot. Mmmm, Spanish men (well...he's not quite Spanish >.>).
Matt! Whyfor the divorce, Matt? I thought you were working things out. ;_; I just feel like that was an easy way out answer to cut her outta the story and that makes me a sad squeak.
Mohinder, grow your hair again, you was hotter before (but still hot now, don't get me wrong~)
My reaction to Kensei: "Why's he white?!" Stupid American comic style. Although points for the Britishness.
Hiro = ♥♥♥
Mmm, Peter.
Yay other!flying!boy! And Bennett~
I so can't wait for next Monday. ^-^x
Needs Heroes icons.