some fic for you!

Sep 09, 2006 00:28

So... Because the cuteness cannot remain contained, Spaz and I have cooked up a little fun ficlet/log for you guys~ Remember Hige and Hikaru? Yah, is aaaall about them. We hope you guys enjoy it!

Though be warned, this is...kinda massive. ^^; It took us three days to complete. >.>

Hikaru never really thought much about their birthday besides some far-off thing that didn't matter much. But as the day drew closer, and everyone started acting secretive, he started to get more and more excited. He didn't know what was going on, but the way tousan and kaasan kept smiling and hinting at things made him want to jump up and down.

So when the day finally came, he lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. It was his and Hige's birthday and he couldn't wait!

"Hige," he whispered loudly, poking her side. "Hige, is our birthday."

Hige was excited because Hikaru was excited. She knew something was up, but she was content to follow her brother's cues for now.. Unlike him, however, she could sleep in late and wasn't exactly the best at being woken up in the morning. So it took awhile for her to be roused by her brother and even then she remained sleepy.

"Wassat?" She mumbled, swatting at his poking hands and rolling closer to him. A hand came up to rub at her eyes and she sort of pushed herself up as she peered at her brother. "We gotta get up?"

"Nooo, but but is our birthday!" He looked over at her, eyes shining. "Kaasan and tousan will stop actin' weird!"

Which, really, was the best thing ever in his mind. Because kaasan and tousan were always the same, when they weren't it was scary.

Been actin' weird wha?" She said sleepily, sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes more. Her hair was in disarry and since it was so hard to sit up by herself, she shifted and leaned against Enka instead, closing one eye and then the other as she slowly woke up.

"Oh yeah," she yawned and blinked at him. "They HAVE been actin' all weird and stuff."

"Yeah," Hikaru agreed, sitting up too. His hair was every which way, not that he cared, and he yawned a few times before grinning at his sister. "They got funny faces when they smile. Like Enka when she's got a seeeecret."

He looked over at said dog as he spoke, but she just rolled her eyes and snorted softly, resting her head on her paws and going back to sleep.

But Hikaru couldn't sleep, not anymore, and he fidgeted on the bed, kicking his feet every few seconds. "...You think kaasan and tousan're up yet?"

Hige found herself giggling and she leaned over and pressed a kiss to Enka's head. She rubbed the puppies ears and nodded, agreeing that their tousan and kaasan had been a bit weird lately. What that had to do with their birthday she wasn't entirely sure, but Hikaru said it did so it was.

Hige paused, thinking on her brother's question. "... no, prolly not." There was another pause and she grinned. "But we can go wake them up."

He grinned back at her, the look almost feral. And it didn't take long before he was slipping off the bed, grabbing Hige's hand when she joined him and darting out their door towards their parent's bedroom. His little bare feet made barely any noise, and he tried hard not to giggle as they slowed and crept towards the other door.

It was so fun to wake up kaasan and tousan.

Pushing the door open slowly, happy it didn't creak, they slipped into the room, ready to pounce.

Hige giggled and then shushed herself, clucthing Hikaru's hand as they creeped down the hallway. For a four year old, she was pretty quiet, having learned from her parents. She pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle any of her sounds as Hikaru and her crept into the room.

Unfortunately for the wee ones (or maybe fortunately), Kiba had woken up as soon as the door opened, leftover from ninja training. But she remained still, and kept her eyes closed, a small smile playing over her lips. Fingers carefully took Hinaji;s and she waited for her children to pounce. It was their birthday after all- they should be allowed.

Hinaji waited as well, squeezing his wife's hand back while he waited for the inevitable. If their children had learned anything in their short lives so far, it was how to jump.

They didn't have to wait long, either, the pounce happening only moments later. Hikaru leapt up onto the bed (although he had to pull himself up and crawl a bit, but it was a good pounce!), roaring loudly to startle his parents. Hinaji opened his eyes in mock fright, crying out, and Hikaru beamed. He'd scared tousan!

Hige had pounced after him, roaring too and clambering onto her kaasan. Kiba acted much like Hinaji, shouting insurprised before grabbing Hige. The little girl shrieked in laughter as Kiba leaned over and blew kisses into her stomach, making Hige squirm and squeal happily. Waking up kaasan and tousan was always a fun to do and she loved being able to be in the big bed with them.

Akako lifted her head to watch them before letting it flump back down. Puppies.

Hikaru squealed as Hinaji grabbed ahold of him, tickling his tummy and sides before letting his son squirm away to rest nestled between his parents. It was fun to scare tousan and kaasan, but it wasn't fair once they woke up and tickled him.

"T-tousan, is our birthday!" he finally managed to say happily, rolling around on the bed like he'd seen Enka do when she wanted attention. "We're big kids now right? And tousan and kaasan won't act all weird no more right?"

Hige had collapsed in a breathless heap, sprawled on her mother's lap. She giggled at what her brother said and then rolled a bit as well. "Yeah, is our birthday! Gonna stop acting all silly and keeping secrets and makin' funny faces?"

A laugh rose up in Kiba's throat and she tickled Hige a bit again. She glanced over at Hinaji before speaking in a softly teasing voice. "Big kids now? Birthday? What is this birthday you're speaking of?"

I'm not sure," Hinaji answered, a smile tugging at his own lips. "I don't know what they mean about a birthday."

"Waah, tousan, kaasan! You said before is our birthday!" Hikaru climbed up in his father's lap, his face inches from Hinaji's. "You said it you said it!"

Hinaji shrugged, eyeing his wife. "Did I...?"

"Don't be mean tousan~!"

"S'not nice to be mean," Hige scowled, shaking a finger at both of her parents. "S'what you say, be nice, don't be mean!"

Kiba laughed and pulled Hige close, kissing her nose. "You're right, Tousan and Kaasan say be ncie so we should be nice too. And that means," she tickled Hige again," that we should be wishing our babies a happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday to us!" Hikaru sing-songed, and Hinaji smiled and hugged him tight, returning the phrase. "...Whazzat mean, anyway?"

Hinaji laughed softly and kissed their son on the forehead gently. "It means you two get presents."

The young boy's response was almost immediate. Sliding off his father's lap, he cheered and laughed and rolled around happily. "Yay presents! Hige, Hige, we get presents! Tousan said so!"

Hige's eyes went wide when Hinaji said they got presents. She looked at Kiba who nodded and then let out a loud whoop and bounced up. She tumbled back to the bed after losing her balance and then rolled onto her brother and then with him. "Yay! Presents!"

Kiba laughed brightly, leaning agains Hinaji. She was still a bit tired but seeing her chlidren so happily was defintely a plus.

... a few more minutes of sleep would have been nice though.

Hikaru rolled around with his sister for a few more moments, happy and excited, but then tousan tossed the blankets over them as he got out of the bed.

"Well, you can't get presents if you're still lying in bed." Hikaru hurried to fight his way out of the blankets, eager to get a gift. Hinaji just smiled and held a hand out to Kiba to help her up. "But only one present right now. Then you have to get washed and dressed."

"No fun," Hikaru pouted, tossing the blankets away. "Want presents!"

Hige squekaed as she got stuck in the blanket, scrambling until Kiba helped her out. She laid there for a moment, dizzy, before she tried to scramble after her brother. She tugged on his shirt, whispering in a not so quiet whisper. "Shhh, if we complain, might not get any presnts at all!"

Kiba smiled, letting Hinaji help her up and out of the bed. She smiled a bit more at Hige's whisper, chuckling. Hikaru and Hige were helped off the bed and she hummed in her throat. "I know you want presents. But we all have to be cleaned up, even kaasan and tousan. So we'll open one gift, and we'll all get cleaned up, okay?"

"Ok..." Hikaru wasn't very enthusiastic about the deal, but a present was a present. And bathing wasn't so bad when everyone else had to do it. "...Do Enka and Akako have to get clean too?"

That would make it completely fair. Enka was smelly anyway--she needed a bath.

Akako made a very disatisfied 'Oh HELL NO' noise from where she lay, eyeing her snickering partner. Kiba bit her lip and then chuckled, still half leaning sleepily against Hinaji. "No, they don't have to get clean this morning. But maybe later we'll take them outside for a bath, does that sound okay?"

Akako grumbled but accepted that and Hige really didn't care at all. She bounced alongside her tousan and kaasan and niisan, excited. They got presents and it was their birthday and she still wasn't sure what that meant but this was fun and everyone was all excited and stuff so she was too.

Hikaru would have rather seen the dogs get cleaned too...but this worked fine. Clinging to his father's pants with one hand, he followed his parents and sister down the hall to the bathroom, sucking on his finger. Tousan better give him a present before they took a bath though! He had promised!

Inside the bathroom, Hinaji pulled his little son away from him and handed him over to Kiba, smiling up at her. "I'll go get one of their gifts." He leaned in close, whispering so the children couldn't hear. "...Which should I bring them?"

Hige eyed the bath dubiously, one hand taking her brother's hand. She looked up to her parents and eyed them as they whispered, not sure what they were up to. They better get their gifts before they got a bath 'cuz it be awfully hard to open gifts while wet.

"Mm," Kiba said softly, thinking while she stroked a hand over Hikaru's hair. After a moment, she whispered back. "The matching one. Less chance of an arguement then."

"Alright." He gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Hikaru took that chance to frown up at his mother, nose scrunched.

"...Did tousan forget our present?" He better not have! That would be really mean!

"Tousan did not forget you're presents." Kiba assured him, chuckling at his look. She went to work on setting up the bath, knowing that it would inevitably end up a watery mess with the twins involved. "He just went to get them. We couldn't risk you finding them before you're birthday, now could we? That would ruin the surpise."

Hige thought through this, her look mirroring her brother's. She eyed her mother and then looked over to Hikaru. "That makes sense...."

"...Guess." Hikaru kicked at the ground, pouting. He shouldn't be wrong on his birthday. Birthdays were special, right? But then tousan was back, holding two wrapped boxes, and the young boy smiled brightly and ran over to his father. "Tousan tousan what'd you get us?"

"Hey, be careful, please," Hinaji said softly, smiling and holding the boxes up a bit higher. "Be patient."

"But but is our presents!"

The older Hyuuga just shook his head and smiled more. "I know. And here you go." He set the presents down a bit away from the tub, not wanting them to get wet when the twins took their bath. Hikaru squealed happily and practically pounced on the boxes, waiting impatiently for Hige so they could open them together.

Hige was a bit more patient then her brother, knowing that gifts were coming because tousan and kaasan never lied. Her eyes did light up though at the shiny packages and she stumbled a bit in her haste to follow her brother. Her smile and her gaze were bright and she wiggled as she settled down next to Hikaru, gazing at the pretty package.

... and then she tore the wrapping paper to hell, laughing happily.

Kiba chuckled, leaning against Hinaji and rested her head on his shoulder. Four wasn't very old in the big picture but it still seemed like not too long ago they were just tiny little waling bundles in her arms. She smiled softly.

She loved her family.

Hinaji loved to watch them, too, amused at the way they threw the paper every which way.

On the floor, Hikaru laughed happily with his sister, pausing only once he opened the box and peeked inside. After a few moments of looking, he pulled out a grey hoodie, similar to what kaasan and tousan wore, and glanced over at Hige, then his parents.

"It looks like Enka's fur," he said softly, surprised. But Enka hadn't lost any fur, so how could that be?

Hige pulled out an identical hoodie, blinking slowly at it. She glanced at Hikaru and then pressed it to her cheek, nuzzling it a bit. It was soft, so soft and though it had that kinda funny new smell, it smelled like kaasan and tousan and she really liked that.

After a moment, she looked up to her parents as well, "It does..."

Kiba leaned down, smiling to them. "That's why we picked it," she flashed them a grin. "Now all three of you as siblings can match. Like you're own team."

It took a moment for Hikaru to process that, and then he squealed happily, hugging the hoodie to his chest. "We're gonna look like Enka!" He looked up at his mother, beaming. "Can she come in can she can she? I wanna show her!"

Hinaji shook his head slowly. "Not right yet. First it's a bath, and then you can wear that the rest of the day and show her then. How's that sound?"

"But...wanna show Enka!" He pouted a little, staring up at Kiba. "Pleeeease?"

Hige squealed and hugged her hoodie tightly to her. This was.... this was the best present and the best birthday ever. She hugged the hoodie tighter and then looked up, her eyes large and pleading, her tone much like her brothers. "Please! Please Kaasan, tousan, wanna show Enka! Pleasepleasepleaspleeeaaassse?!"

This was not going to go over well. Kiba stood up a bit. "Bath first, we'll make it real quick. Then you can go and show Enka and Akako and whomever else you want, okay? That was the deal- present and then bath."

Hikaru flailed and pouted. "No no wanna show Enka!" He continued to make a fuss until Hinaji picked him up, pulling the hoodie from his hands and carefully setting it down. "Huh? No tousan, tha's mine! Mine mine!"

"And you'll get it back after your bath. Now stop being rude." The tone of his voice made Hikaru stop, turning to look at his father. Tousan never usually spoke so harshly. He wilted in Hinaji's grip, and the older man smiled softly. "Will you behave now?"

"...I will. Sorry."

Hinaji smiled brightly and kissed his son's forehead. "That's my boy."

When Kiba leaned to take Hige's hoodie from her, she released it instantly. She glanced over at Hikaru and then took his hand, pressing a kiss to his cheek to reassure him. She had to pull away though, as Kiba helped her out of her pajamas and helped her into the tub. She splashed a bit and then looked up to Kiba, wide eyed. "... bubbles?"

Kiba smiled softly, chuckling. "Since it's your birthday, a special day... yes, bubbles."

Hikaru blushed a little, embarrassed, but Hige made him feel better. And then tousan was setting him in the tub and kaasan said there would be bubbles and he cheered up again. "Yay bubbles!" He flopped around in the water, splashing happily while the bubbles were added and grew bigger.

Birthdays were the bestest things ever! They got hoodies that matched Enka and bubble baths and they were gonna get more presents too!

Hige made noises, moving her hands in the water. She picked up a bunch of bubbles and then plopped them on her head. After a moment, she picked up more bubbles and stuck them to her face. She grinned and turned towards Hikaru. "Look, look! I got a BEARD!"

Kiba let them play as they wanted, just doing her best to get them clean without getting her and everything else soaking wet. It was a lot harder then one would think.

"Hahaha you look silly!" Hikaru added more bubbles to his sister's face though, laughing happily. He didn't even mind kaasan and tousan scrubbing at his hair, getting him clean.

He did notice, however, when tousan suddenly dumped some water on him, washing away the bubbles. "Wah! Tousan! Was playing!"

Hinaji smiled. "I saw. But it's time to get out of the bath now. Didn't you have something to show to Enka?"

The words were barely spoken before Hikaru shot up and out of the tub, only getting a few steps before his father caught him up in a towel.

And despite her best efforts, Kiba got soaked anyway.

She shook her head a bit to get some water off and then dunked Hige quickly to get all the bubbles off. Hige sputtered but didn't mind and snuggled into the towel as she was picked up and dried off. She couldn't help but bounce slightly, however, because the sooner they got dried, the sooner they could get dressed and then go show Enka!

Hikaru was patient while tousan dried and dressed him, but as soon as he was free he grabbed the hoodie and put it on (backwards) and nearly jumped up and down waiting for Hige. "C'mon Hige gonna show Enka!"

As soon as his sister was ready, he grabbed her hand and darted from the room, nearly running into the grey dog outside the door. Glomping onto her happily, Hikaru nuzzled her before pulling at his hoodie and beaming.

"Enka look we're like you now! Kaasan said we're a team!"

Hige (thankfully) managed to get her hoodie on right before she got dragged by Hikaru. But she didn't mind, laughing, because they looked like Enka and she tumbled over the dog along with Hikaru, laughing. Unlike her more articulate brother, she just laughed breathlessly. "Look like you now Enka, all together!"

Kiba had simply set about to cleaning (read: mopping) up the bathroom while her children scrambled down the hallway. She groaned a bit, glancing at Hinaji, "Please tell me you made coffee..."

Hinaji smiled and gave Kiba a quick kiss. "Extra strong."

Hikaru was having fun tumbling around with Enka, the dog sniffing and nudging and taking her time studying their new clothes. Finding them to her liking, she flopped on the twins, grinning in her own way as Hikaru squealed and pushed at her. "Gettoff Enka, heavy!"

Back in the bathroom, Hinaji sighed. "I don't think we'll get our shower this morning..."

"I think we already got wet enough," Kiba said wryly, kissing his cheek in thanks for making the coffee. "I'm going to go get some dry clothes on since these have been soaked through by the birthday twins."

Hige shrieked iwth laughter as Enka rolled onto her, pushing at the dog. "Enka! You gotta get off us, gotta get off! It's our birthday and you gotta be nice to us! So off or we're gonna tickle you and call 'Kako!"

Enka huffed but moved, nudging them gently with her nose, letting Hikaru cling to her fur to help himself up. His cheeks were red from laughing and playing, and the hoodie was really warm but he didn't care. He liked looking like Enka.

"...Where's tousan and kaasan...?" he finally asked, looking around. "...Thought we got 'nother present...?"

Really though, Hikaru just liked being around his parents. So when tousan came out of the bathroom, still wet from bathwater, Hikaru didn't care and dove at him, glomping onto his father's leg and tugging at the cloth. "Tousan tousan thank you but where is other present?"

Hige lay sprawled on the floor, batting at Enka when the dog tried to help her up. "S'okay. Floors nice."

She rolledonto her stomach and then sat up, titling her head at Hikaru. "Uh. Did they take a bath? I dunno. Maybe. I like this present though." She snuggled more into her hoodie, despite how hot she was.

Hinaji was saved by Kiba swooping in and lifting Hikaru up. Her other arm and hand was extended to Hige, and the young girl took her hand. "Let Tousan go and get changed and i'll make you both breakfast and then we'll talk about more presents, okay?"

"Ok..." Hikaru agreed slowly, clinging to his kaasan. He didn't want to admit it, but he was a little sleepy from not being able to sleep and from taking a bath and playing with Enka. So hopefully he would feel more awake when tousan got dressed and they ate something.

"Can we have pancakes? I like pancakes..."

"We will make pancakes," Kiba said agreeably.

"Blureberry pancakes?" Hige piped up, bouncing at her mother's side.

"Blueberry pancakes." Kiba laughed, setting both her children down. She gave them both a bit of fruit to gnaw on as she set about to making pancakes (when had she gotten so domestic?). Food was given to the pups as well, coffee for her, and tea ready for Hinaji too.

Hikaru crawled up onto a chair as he nibbled his fruit, watching his mother cook. She was so awesome. She made them like Enka and she made blueberry pancakes and she was the bestest best kaasan ever. And tousan was awesome too!

Sliding down from the chair, Hikaru walked over to his mother and pulled at her pants' leg to get her attention, standing up on tiptoe when he finally did. Expression serious, he leaned as close as he could and whispered, "Love you, kaasan."

Hinaji smiled at him from the doorway, the little whisper not quite as soft as the boy meant for it to be. He really did love his family.

Kiba paused in her cooking and leaned down as Hikaru tugged on her pants. A soft smile curled her lips at his whisper and she leaned down more, pressing a kiss to his forehead, and then Hige's as the younger twin had followed her brother. "I love you too, Hikaru. You, and Hige, and tousan and enka and Akako. I love all of you, very very much. And I always willl."

Hige clutched at Hikaru with one hand and the other had her thumb in her mouth. But she smiled at her kaasan, and then at her tousan too.

Hinaji moved over to hug the children too, smiling at Kiba and giving her a quick kiss. "Tousan loves you all, too. Very much." Then he was herding the twins back to the table, sitting them down and taking a seat between them.

"Once breakfast is done, we'll give you another present, alright?" Hikaru bounced up and down happily, stopping only when Hinaji set a gentle hand on his shoulder. "But you have to eat at least half your pancake, alright?"

"I will I will!" Hikaru looked over at Hige. "Hige will too! We're good, tousan, we're good!"

"Ima eat it ALL." Hige promised seriously. She loved blueberry pancakes. "Maybe I even have TWO."

Kiba snerked slightly, just setting down the plate full of pancakes. Hopefully they could go without syrup because that would just be another mess to deal with. She also brought over Hinaji's tea before she sat down herself, her coffe cradeled in her hands.

"Thank you," Hinaji said softly, smiling over at her. Hikaru's thanks was much more vocal, although much less intelligible, what with pancake stuffed in his mouth. "...I think they like it."

"Ish good!" Hikaru swallowed, stuffing some more in his mouth, being careful to take small bites so tousan wouldn't yell at him like last time. But it was good and he didn't want kaasan to think he didn't like it! So he just made sure to have lots of milk to help swallow.

After a few more minutes, Hinaji leaned over to Kiba, lips brushing her ear as he whispered. "So...when do they get their other present? Is it too early for that...?"

"Iii think you're right..." Kiba quirked a smile, sipping her coffee. There was a slight shake of her head- wow. Hinaji HAD made it strong. Of course, she was distracted from the coffee by his lips brushing her ear and she glanced down, a slight smile curling her lips.

"Mm... later," she whispered back after a moment. "They'll be full from this, let them run it off."

Hige wasn't too busy stuffing her face to notice her parents whispering again. Cheeks bulging from the pancakes, she swallowed hurriedly and kicked Hikaru under the table, leaning over and whispering to him. "Hikaru... they're bein' all whispery again."

Hikaru hadn't noticed, but at his sister's kick he glanced over at his parents, frowning through a mouthful of pancake. Why did they have to whisper? It wasn't very nice!

Hinaji didn't notice the children's distress as he nodded. "Hopefully they'll be happy running around with Enka..." He sighed, although the smile didn't leave his face. "They're going to ruin those jackets in two days."

"Tousan!" The word was muffled, pancake falling to the table as Hikaru spoke. "No secrets!"

"Two days?" Kiba snickered, leaning against him a bit. "I give it two hours."

Kiba also snerked a bit as Hinaji got yelled at by his son. Of course, it was her turn to be slightly wide eyed as Hige pointed a fork at her, "You too kaasan! Secrets are MEAN."

Kiba bit her lip, doing her damdest not to laugh. "Of course, Hige. I'm sorry."

Hikaru eyed his parents for a few more seconds, content when they stopped whispering. Then it was back to the pancakes, which he finished quickly, along with a huge gulp of milk. Smacking his lips happily, he set the glass down and smiled over at his kaasan and tousan.

"Other present now?"

They'd said! And he was all full and fed and happy and he liked these presents!

And this was where things were going to get hard. Kiba thought quickly- they HAD promised, but there was no way they could have the next present RIGHT NOW. After a moment, she smiled and set her cup down. "Tousan and I have to get the present ready, so why don't you go outside and play with Enka a little bit while we set it all up."

Hige chewed the last of her pancake slowly, eyeing Hinaji and Kiba. That sounded alright but she looked over to Hikaru, seeing if he thought this sounded acceptable as well.

Well...tousan and kaasan had no reason to lie to them, so Hikaru nodded and accepted that. It was like when tousan had to go get the presents they were wearing. And this way they could show off more to Enka!

"'kay, but not too long 'k?" Hikaru slipped off his seat, reaching up and picking his plate off the table to carry it over to the sink held high above his head. After setting it on the counter, he brushed his hands off like he'd seen kaasan do while working, and then went over to join Hige. "We're gonna be right there," he said, pointing out the door to the yard, "so just call us."

Hige followed her brother, standing on her tip toes to push her plate onto the counter too, 'cause that was the right thing to do. She bounced over to Hikaru when she was done, looking at her parents seriously. As her brother started to pull her outside, she pointed at them. "Promise!"

"We promise." Kiba soothed, amused by her actions. Once they were outside, she glanced at Hinaji out of the corner of her eye. " long do you think we can stall them?"

"...Probably not long enough." He sighed, shaking his head as squeals erupted through the door and he caught a glimpse of Hikaru tackling Enka. "...But maybe we'll be lucky this time."

They could hope, anyway.

Outside, Hikaru was having a fun time working off the food he ate and letting his body wake up as he tackled both Enka and Hige, tickling and mock fighting and wrestling. If he realised his brand new jacket was getting dirty, he paid it no mind. It was just fun to run around!

Hige squealed as she was tickled, rolling on the ground and trying to roll away from her brother. She scrambled away and then leaped with a howl onto her brother, tackling him and trying to tickle him in return, laughing. Once she grew tired of this, she tugged on his jacket. "Hikaru, Hikaru! Let's play shinobi! We're a TEAM now and we can go and and find the bad guys!"

She bounced up and down. "Let's go! Come on come on come on!"

"Yeah, ninja!" He had forgotten about that! Kaasan and tousan gave them the presents so they could be like Enka, and teammates looked similar! Laughing happily, he grabbed his sister's hand and fisted his other in Enka's fur. "Let's go find the bad guys!"


"...Where're the bad guys? And who are they?"

"... they're the bad guys?" Hige suggested, shrugging a bit. She knew there were bad shinobi who could hurt Konoha, but she didn't remember exactly who they were. Her brother's other question was a bit hard too. "Uhm..." She said slowly, looking around. After a moment she looked back to him. "... in.. the backyard? We can't go far in case tousan and kaasan call us for our presents."

And missing presents would be BAD.

"Hrm...maybe...over there?" He pointed towards a couple of large trees. "The enemy is hiding in the branches!" Because that's what shinobi did. They hid. And they could jump through trees!

And it didn't matter much who they were, s'long as they were there!

"Let's go!" He tugged on his siblings', charging off towards the evil trees, trying to be quiet but failing miserably.

Inside, Hinaji shook his head, smiling softly. "We're very lucky, aren't we, Kiba?"

"Yeah!" Hige agreed, brightening and charging off with Hiakru, Enka in tow. They didn't have an real weapons (not till next year, kaasan said) but they could pretend and Hige happily made swooshing noises as she 'attacked' the imaginary trees. She could use the Jyuuken too, but not tsuuga get 'cause that just made her dizzy. But when she was older!

"We are," she agreed softly, kissing his cheek before standing. With a sigh, she started to clean up the plates. "I will, however, be happy for te day when they can clean their own dishes...."

"At least they sort of tried?" Hinaji said softly, going over to join her. He could still hear the children outside, and it was simple enough to check on them every few minutes, either by looking over his shoulder or using the byakugan.

Hikaru wasn't quite as good at the jyuuken as his sister, so he tried to remember moves he'd seen kaasan use, and leapt at the fake ninja in the trees, slashing leaves with his hands and kicking at the air. He kept it up for a while before slowly coming to a stop, panting a little, exhausted.

"Nnn...Hige, Enka..." He flopped down on the ground, laying back and spreading his arms and legs out while he stared at the sky. "...'m tired now..."

"Sort of tried is better then not tried at all," she admitted, flicking a bit of water playfully at Hinaji as she washed the dishes. "What are the three of them up to now, anyway?"

Hige was panting too, not having moved as much as her brother, but not having as much stamina as him either. She collapsed beside him, resting her head on his stomach as she breathed rapidly. "Me too.... we killed all the bad guys, let's take a nap now."

"Yeah..." Hikaru nuzzled against his sister, Enka lying down beside them, keeping them warm. It felt so good to sleep all curled up near each other. And they were a team now, and that was like being a pack, and they looked like Enka too. So it felt even better.

Hinaji looked out the door at Kiba's question, moving away from the sink to stand near the door to watch. "...They're taking a nap." He looked back at his wife, smiling softly. "Should we put their cake in the fridge?" They'd probably have to bring the children in soon--it was a nice day out, but still a little too cool to fall asleep in the shade of trees. Hopefully they wouldn't wake up.

Hige shifted and cuddled up mroe next to Hikaru, leeching his warmth. One hand fisted on his new jacket and the other threaded in Enka's fur. Everything was right in the world, because she was fed and happy, and her siblings were there and her kaasan and tousan loved her. She was happy.

Within moments, she was fast asleep.

"Taking a nap..." She laughed, drying off her hands and shaking her head a little bit; only them. Cracking her neck slightly, she nodded to Hinaji. "Best idea for now would be to do that. They can have it later when they're awake and.... re-energized."

"Yes..." He watched the children for a few minutes more, making sure they were truly asleep before motioning to Kiba. After that, it was simple enough to pick them up, cradling Hikaru in his arms, making sure to keep him warm so he wouldn't wake. Waiting for Kiba to pick up Hige, he walked into the house and laid the tired little boy out on his bed, pulling the covers up over the children. Only to stop, worried.

"...You think we should take their hoodies off, too? They're rather dirty..."

Kiba made sure the cake was taken care of before she followed Hinaji outside to the twins. She carefully picked up Hige, cradling the young child to her chest. Hige slept on blissfully, completely wiped from all the excitement and the running and everything fun they had done. When her mother laid her down next to her brother, her only movement was to snuggle up closer to her brother.

Kiba paused thoug as Hinaji spoke, glancing down. After a moment, she slowly shook her head. ".. no, it's alright. That might wake them."

Waking them was the last thing Hinaji wanted. Wrapping an arm around his wife, he smiled down at the twins before slowly kissing their foreheads. "Sleep well, and when you wake, there'll be cake." Hikaru shifted a little, nuzzling closer to Hige in response.

Standing up straight, Hinaji glanced over at Kiba, arm still around her.

"...You think we have time to get clean now?"

Hige shifted as her brother did, a content little smile on her face.

Kiba leaned againts Hinaji, watching her children sleep. She seemed to think about his question before she smirked. "...probably. But we better hurry anyway."

Hinaji smiled and kissed her quickly, walking them out of the room and half closing the door after Enka slipped in and jumped on the bed. With one last look at the birthday children, he very happily headed for the shower with Kiba.

Hopefully the twins would sleep long enough for them to shower and get the house nice and clean for the inevitable mess a chocolate cake would bring.

crack!rp, rp, naruko

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