
Jul 06, 2006 22:07

Hikaru crept down the hallway, his sister right behind him, her hand fisted in his shirt. Enka followed close behind, amused to see her siblings trying to be sneaky. Their feet made loud noises though, and they kept whispering to each other, trying not to giggle. It was a wonder Hinaji and Kiba didn't hear them coming.

But then, Hinaji and Kiba were usually thinking of other things this late at night.

They reached their parents' door a few moments later, Hikaru reaching up to open it, Hige giggling from her place behind them. "Shhhhh," the boy whispered, putting a finger to his lips and nearly putting his face in his sister's. "They'll hear you."

"They'll hear you first."

"They will not."

"Will too."

Enka whined softly, drawing their attention back to the task at hand. Nodding, the twins slowly finished opening the door, creeping into the larger room. Hinaji and Kiba didn't make a sound, which to their little five-year-old minds was a good thing.

Once they were close enough to the bed, the twins glanced at each other and grinned, then leapt up onto the covers with a howl, landing on top of...pillows.



There was much squealing as Kiba grabbed her children from behind, Hinaji emerging from the shadows where they were hiding, a huge smile on his face as Kiba ruffled the twins' hair and tickled them. He glanced over at Enka, sitting on her haunches and looking smug.

"You set them up to this, didn't you?"

Amid laughing squeals and tickle fights, Enka could only smile in her own canine way.

And soon I'm off to see Pirates~

ficcage, kiba, crack!rp, naruto, hinaji

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