(no subject)

Nov 17, 2005 21:27

Meh, feeling a wee bit better. Fever's gone but head hurts like a sunovabitch and my neck's been aching for two days. Ah well, tis life.

Saw Chicken Little today. Was very cute, but not Pixar quality. I died when Chicken said "Oh, snap" though. Especially with how he said it. Priceless. And all the old skool music was love.

Also? Got Suikoden Tactics! Squee! Looks so purty. I'm thrown off that the hero has a name, and there's only one man in his cliquey entourage thing. That's like...woah. But they're both pretty so I'm happy, and from reading the booklet the girls seem pretty ok. I can't wait to try it out.

It throws me off that they call Unites 'Cooperative Attacks.' But HURRAY for Unites! And the Sun Rune looks hotness, and yeah that's Suiko5 but hey, was on the back of the booklet! Although now that I think of it, wasn't the Sun Rune something in Suiko2 that like, gave you back HP at the beginning of every turn? Or wait, no, that was the sunburst rune or something like that. Whaaat the heckle, Konami?

*pets Suikoden*

That was squeak's pointless post for today! Love all.

Till later.

suikoden, fandom, life

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