and the sun peeked out a little more...

Mar 25, 2009 15:35

from d.a. comes proof that the human will is a damned near impossible thing to destroy. go, hollis, go!

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:19:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [dpw-list] D.A.'s Hollis Visit Report 3/24/09

Yesterday I went to stanford hospital with Eliza Strack and Party Radar to
visit Hollis.

Upon our entrance, Hollis, who was in the middle of physical therapy tracked
us with her eye and began making murmmuring sounds, which got louder and
louder. Imagine Hollis without the ability of speech, desperately trying to
wake herself up from a bad dream and you've got a pretty good understanding
of what Hollis sounded like.

I could tell by her frustrated, angry, and determined look that she was
pissed and would not be defeated.

Yup. There's our girl alright. Our fighter.

I was quite surprised as to how awake somebody could be while technically
still in a coma. Apparently there is a whole range of stages before someone
is considered awake again after.

She held my hand, and by held I mean squeezed the shit out of it. Digging
her nails into my skin. I encouraged her to squeeze my hand until it bled. I
told her I would reward her with bacon in her i.v. drip. She responded to
that. I made sure I said the word "bacon" and "pbr" plenty of times.

Hollis' brain and body are fighting to reconnect all of its' wiring.
There were moments where you could tell that she was ready to get the hell
up off the bed right there and then, making a supreme effort.

"Git er' dun girl. Git er dun!" I hollered.

Eliza, Hollis' wifey up in SF and the founder of Hollis' blog held her other

"1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war," Eliza challenged. Helping Hollis into
the proper thumbwar position.

Shocked and stunned to see Hollis thumb stand straight up and then down,
pinning Eliza's thumb. The room errupted into cheers with the nurse's
smiling, letting us know that they could hear Hollis all the way down the
hall. They did 2 out of 3, with the best being the her first effort.

Hollis is in a stage where she is ready for stimulus. Verbal, physical,
audial, visual, etc. But, she can also be overwhelmed and perhaps
annoyed...which given her condition I don't necessarily think is too bad a

Anyway, Hollis' mom Diane was great. Sweet and strong and solid. Very
encouraging of all of us to speak to her and not be shy. Be sure to show her
a lot of love.

Harrison, the man who performed cpr on her for almost a half-hour after the
accident, showed up in good spirits. Be sure to show him a lot of love.

Pretty soon there was a nice gang of ten surrounding her.

Everyone was very happy with her progress yesterday. It was huge.

So, today the 25th of March, Hollis is being moved to St. Luke's in
Francisco where she is being admitted as a charity case. This is a good

Stanford Hospital has determined that Hollis doesn't need Stanford anymore.
All she needs now is a good rehabilitation facility close to her friends and
loved ones to cheer her on. This is great news.

So, yeah DPW...
Hollis is another step closer to home.
Let's bring her in.

Be the audience for the fighter within her.
Hollis loves an audience.

Try to remember big words like "encouragement" or even "nurturing." Whoa.

And wash yer damn hands before you see her, she don't need no monkey pox.

Harrison is overseeing the visiting hours.
Call him: 415.987.6576

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