Apr 29, 2010 02:06
um for some reason I can only see the one most recent friends post. which is infuriating but I don't have the patience to deal with it right now, BECAUSE...
preparing to live the next two years of one's life entirely on loans is a stressful deal.
So Chicago went well. Tonight I paid my non-refundable tuition deposit, and I am officially going to the Art Institute next year.
I will go into greater detail later. Right now I am neck deep in financial aide papers and all this crap that oh my god I don't even know what the crap this shit is. WHAT.
Growing up is hard. Which is funny, because all this grown up stuff just leads to extended adolescence in which someone else is paying for my shit and I don't have to think about it for a while.
It's going to be weird when my thrift store binges and weekend benders are financed by Federal Direct Stafford Loans.
speaking of which, it's almost my birthday. AND, today was half-off clothing day at the Salvation Army, my favorite fucking day of the week.
I got some pretty good shit.
AND, I have started scavenging old wine crates from the liquor store down the street, and they will make perfect shelves and book cases someday. If you want to get me something super cheap (and by that I mean free) for my birthday, you should keep your eyes peeled for these wonderful boxes. I am also in the market for fruit crates and tea boxes. Virtually any kind of wooden box will do.
Also, if you happen to find an old library card catalog cabinet, let me know. That upcycled shit is so in right now, you guys.
Okay, I promise to talk more about Chicago and MY BIG FUTURE PLANS soon. I hope to be able to read all your posts soon, if there are any. In the meantime, rest assured that I will be in town around June 5th, for about a week. And to the ladies of Little NY, a care package is on its way, so look for it.
and the care package y'all sent me was uh.fuckin.mazing.