I should update

Nov 03, 2009 03:27

Not much to say, however. Halloween was fun, got drunk at a party of strangers, forced them into conversation with me, made friends with a spider lady, took her work info because she said she might be able to get me a job (yeah, I networked at a halloween party with a spider while I had purple makeup smeared all over my face), came home and updated my facebook status about a million times.

weather is nice but rainy here. mosquitoes still persist which is a bummer. unemployment still persists which is a double-bummer. I had an interview with Bryan's firm last week that went pretty well, hope to get a second interview this week. we'll see. Networking is weird but I've been doing a lot of it, well, a lot for me, anyway. looking for jobs sucks but I don't have much of a right to despair yet.

apartment finally looks like an apartment. I'd like to do more shit to it but I lack money. I have discovered a totally decent thrift store nearby, thank god. It seems I am the only person in this town who wears thrift store clothes; this hasn't stopped me from wearing them.

I am goddamn tired of talking about politics and football. If anybody tries to talk about politics or football to me when I am home for Thanksgiving, I'm going to punch them. please, talk to me about underground movies and medical oddities and mythical animals and gossip about people I actually know instead of OMG SO CONGRESSMAN SO AND SO IS ANNOYING or DUDE THE GUY WHO RUNS SO AND SO'S CAMPAIGN SUCKS. And please, somebody talk to be about fiction? Talk to me about a book you read? Any book? I'm not sure people read fiction here. That is an exaggeration, because I talked to this girl Katie about Graham Greene and I talked to Dheeraj about the Time Traveler's Wife, and I'm just being melodramatic because I forgot to take my anti-depressants today, BUT SERIOUSLY, no fucking football, no fucking politics. those are the rules. spread the word.

I still like it here a lot, I am having fun, but I am still homesick and I still need a job. once the job thing happens I will feel a lot better about stuff in general.

and yeah, my sleep schedule is still fucked. I went to sleep at 11 tonight, only to wake up at 2 wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. fuck me.

aaaaaaaaaand I have one month until deadlines for grad school start.

heart. attack.
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