My tonsil is

Jul 23, 2009 12:38

FUCKING SWOLLEN! what the hell! I didn't even know it was there. You know how the glands right under your jaw always get swollen when you get sick? well, this thing is BELOW those glands, and it is super swollen on the left side, and it feels like a big painful golf ball in my throat, and I'm not sure which ones are tonsils and which ones are glands but one of them hurts and has never been swollen before but now it is swollen.

it seriously hurts pretty bad to talk and swallow. weirdly, I feel mostly fine aside from that. I don't feel feverish or achy or fatigued or sniffly or anything. I'm kind of tired because I didn't sleep well due to the goddamn golf ball in my throat. but that is the only other complaint.

do I have to get my tonsils out? if so, that kind of sucks because I'm 23 and I don't get to stay home from school and eat ice cream. I just get to stay home from being unemployed and eat ice cream, I guess.

this is what I get for sucking so much dick, am I right?

well, I'm going to research a litany of horrifying ailments on Web MD; I'll see you at the garage sale if I haven't died yet.
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