Apr 01, 2007 18:32
So....today's april fool's day. So far this weekend I have nothing productive. I really mean nothing.actually I kind of have, but whatever.
I dont think I mentioned it in here, but me and Joy are writing a book. I think I can trust you guys to not, you know, steal our idea, but it's basically about assassins. We don't have a title for it yet and it's going to be a trilogy. If you think about it we're out of the actual brainstorming phase and we even have an complete outline for the first book and parts of the second and third. The first, second, third, and fourth chapters are finished and the fifth and seventh are in the process of being so. It's kind of like D.E.B.S and Kill Bill but has a lot of the Meg Cabot quality in it if you get what I'm saying.
So today and yesterday I've typed up what I've got of the 7th chappie on comp. and also about 5 pages of the fourth. Along with that I got really weird and started writing the 20th chappie, but only a page or two on word. That's all I really did though.
I somehow fee like such a failure for some reason or another. Like with school which is kind of sucky and with friends and with....other things (like piano, book, more school, people, etc). So thus now Ima go and write some more. Au revoir!!
I remian,
Billy Sue Jane