Apr 10, 2004 11:52
well thats basicaly it, its saturday, and spring break might as well be over. i truely hope that this spring break will be forgoten about forever. the past week has been probably the worst ive ever had. seriously, it was probably that worst ever, pout of my whole life i can not think of another week that made me feel that way i felt for spring break 2004.
ill try to bring this to a lighter note...
yo all might or might not noe dave...hes the stupid punk with the big red mohawk...he was singer of th4e polemics, well yea hi,m... most of you also might noe, or not noe, that i live with him, and that ive been living with hi and his parents for almost 2 years
well when i awoke today i opened is door and hat mother fucker was lying in his own puke. no doubt! haha and i could easily tell that he tried using his exploited hat to puke in, i dont noe if he remembers, but when he wakes up he is soo in for an awsome surprise.
but yep...
that was the highlight of my spring break 2004, i also went to the circus...but since im a piece of shit who cant do anything right , who is no better tehn any other guy in the world....
i ruined it.