Feb 20, 2006 12:42
So yet another disaster in febuary. This month prolly should have never happened. This month I have lost two of the most important things in my life. But I did gain understanding through them. I have learned how to completely start over. And starting over is really exciting. I have met some really amazing people and gained some awesome friendships that i could never take back. My body is finally catching up to the last 2 weeks of hell i put them through. I fall asleep at like 12 everyday almost. well not last night. 8>) but that was do to some unexpected trips into philly but all in good taste. Focusing on school is easy but would be easier without having to work all the time. Money makes the world go round I guess. It atleast gets me from here to philly. I totally wish sleeping in my bed all day and singing silly songs was something I could always do but that seems to be planned even. There has to be some understanding of sporatic people.