I got no work done today :(

May 11, 2011 00:56

I was two seconds from pulling out my sketchbook to work on my BBB stuff when my friend MSN'd me-


And I basically got distracted for the entire day playing Audition. Dear lord. XD I feel guilty for not getting any work done, but I did get myself a beta for my BBB artwork, which is Keddy! (cheeseonthemoon ) :D All she needs to do is tell me where I fucked up in the drawing LOL.

I also managed to catch up with some old friends and meet new fam members, so it was good! We bantered like we usually do, which was extremely fun and I especially missed it while I was in Canada. I was in top form, too; I kept perfing like it was no one's business, it was kind of amazing. o_O I was trying to be as masculine as possible since I was on Dom (It's been a while!), while attempting to be a smooth talker. It's hilarious. The girls nearly killed me when I pulled out this pick-up line:

"Hey babe, how do you like your eggs in the morning? Fertilized?"
(Yeah, I don't think that qualifies as a pick-up line anymore...)

We also talked about the mythology of the minotaur, men picking up bars of soap in jail, and a fun animal fact! You will shit bricks when you know the answer, honest to god. It is worthy enough to be part of the mameshiba series.

How many nipples does a manatee have, and where are they located?
Look it up!

SOO on a random ending note:

This song is really trippy and addicting, not gonna lie.

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random, audition

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