Fail, Lindsey the Laptop. You restarted in the middle of the night when I didn't have my icons saved *cries* I only had the one that I showed
bedelia32. So flist, this isn't all of the icons I had promised. Just a few fandoms because I made more for these three fandoms than I made before.
DLM #02
FNL #15
- Dead Like Me icons feature George.
- Friday Night Lights icons primarily feature Julie, Tami, and Tyra. But there are some that have Lyla, Matt, Coach, and Grandma Saracen.
- How I Met Your Mother icons primarily feature Barney and Lily. But there are some with Robin.
Dead Like Me - 3 icons
#03(Please note that I have not seen 2x15 yet. Thanks!)
Friday Night Lights - 25 icons
#25(Please note that I have not seen 3x13 yet. Thanks!)
How I Met Your Mother - 11 icons
Oh and I don't think I've posted icons for these fandoms before, but I know there can be overlap with fandoms, so if you've taken icons from
beppergirl (or
artbybeppergirl) in the past, know that she has renamed her journal and is now