
Jan 04, 2011 14:12

I believe my computer is in the process of ringing down the curtain and joining the choir invisible. Needless to say this has made tagging, among everything else, a nightmare (between pop-up ads and Firefox not responding and stuff encountering errors and closing and BSODs every so often). As result, I'm trying not to spend a whole lot of time on my computer since I don't trust it and get really frustrated when it doesn't respond. I'll be trying to tag a bit but at a reduced rate, since there seems to be a certain window where it behaves reasonably. I'm hoping to get this fixed soon since I need it for my upcoming semester.

If I suddenly disappear for a few days, please assume that my computer has become an ex-computer and I'm in the process of acquiring a new one. However, the slowatus or disappearance probably won't be for too long since I'm going to need the computer ASAP for school. (papers and the like).  Well, I'll probably still be slow because school but that's a given.

Sorry to everyone I have tags with. I'll be trying to get to them but frustrations abound with my cranky old computer
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