random situations
How it works:1. Post as your character! You can choose the scene and prompt yourself or leave it for others to decide.
2. Others respond to your prompt or after going to
RNG and entering numbers 1-6 for a scene type and then numbers 1-7 for a prompt. OR YOU CAN JUS PICK THE ONE YOU WANT it's what I usually do
3. Respond and play it out!
This is just a guide thing! If there is shit you wanna play out anyway, go for it! If you end up with porn let's face it, you will make sure you note it in the subject line so people can skip it if they like.
A NOTE FOR NEW PEOPLE: Even if you never played at Squarewarts, you're sure as hell welcome to post here! The main premise for the game was that it was a mix of Harry Potter and Final Fantasy elements with Jedi and Pokemon and god knows what else thrown in for good measure. Adults were
professors or nurses/quidditch referees/anything else you can think of that would fit a Hogwarts, and kids were students! It was an AU game, meaning you alter your character's history to fit into this world, rather than 'hi just been dumped into Hogwarts'. We used Hogwarts as a setting, but the plot was entirely original - the Headmaster was Cid Kramer and the main villain was Ultimecia, both from FFVIII. ANYWAY THAT'S JUST BG INFO IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, WHATEVER. I'M GOING TO MAKE MARIAN HAWKE A WEAPONS MASTERY PROFESSOR NOW, KTHXBAI.
1. Angst - Angst indicates heavy/depressing topics. Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
2. Fluff - Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
3. Sex - first times, kinks, even dubcon are all possible themes of sex related ideas.
4. Action - gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
5. Crack - genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes!
6. Your choice! - think of your own scenario or choose one of the above, make a combo even!
1. Injury/illness - character has become injured or ill! To what extent is the mun's choice.
2. Last moments - character has been gravely injured and this is their last chance to say their last words.
3. Depression - character is depressed, what actions they take is up to the mun.
4. Betrayed - character has been betrayed by the other. How do they react?
5. Tortured - character is being tortured and needs rescuing or at least a sympathetic ear to help him through it.
6. Jealousy - character is feeling jealous and must deal with it, how will they do it?
7. Breakup! - This relationship has gone as far as it can, it's time to breakup.
1. Cuddling - for whatever reason, characters feel like being close and cuddling.
2. Pillow talk - after the main event, characters are up for some pillow talk.
3. Celebration - anniversary or some other big event is taking place and characters want to celebrate!
4. Love Confession - someone has finally decided to confess their love and today is the day!
5. Appreciation - you feel the need to show appreciation for that person closest to you, even if it's just a pat on the back.
6. Apologies - you made a mistake and now it's time to make it up in some way you know the other can't refuse!
7. Get Back Together - Why did you break up again exactly? Whatever the reason, it was a huge mistake and you both know you can work through it.
1. First Time - it's your first time together or your first time ever! Enjoy the awkward times!
2. Bondage - You and your partner decide to experiment a little with ropes or handcuffs or whatever you'd like to tie your partner up with.
3. Rough/Aggressive - characters want it rough.
4. Romantic - Slow and gentle, meaningful, that's how characters want it.
5. Awkward Sex - Maybe someone hit their head on the bedpost, or that position isn't as easy as the book makes it seem. Whatever's appened, this moment isn't as perfect as it could be.
6. In public - Characters feel like taking a risk and doing it in a public place.
7. Roleplay - Naughty nurse fetish? Pirate kink? You and your partner decide to try it out now!
1. Zombies - it's the zombie apocalypse! Lock and load.
2. Bar Brawl - you had one too many drinks, said something wrong, and now you're being asked to take it outside.
3. Chase - you're caught in a high speed chase!
4. Gun Fight - you're caught in a big shoot out!
5. Fight with a Friend - you're fighting with a friend, all out.
6. Interrogation - you're being interrogated for some offense you've done!
7. Aliens! - Aliens are attacking and you're not going to take your probe laying down.
1. Genderswap - uh-oh, you're suddenly the opposite gender!
2. Forced confessions - no matter what it is and no matter how hard you resist, you're going to be compelled to spill some deep dark secret!
3. Mind-reading - you've suddenly got the ability to read minds!
4. Animal Features - you're suddenly part animal!
5. Awkward Pickup Lines - you're compelled to use bad pickup lines on whoever is closest!
6. Back In School/Graduated - you're suddenly back in school! Or if you were already in it, you've aged and long since graduated!
7. Vampires, werewolves, and zombies, oh my! - You're suddenly a vampire, werewolf, or zombie! What do you do now?