(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 22:52

Name(s): Fisheye and Demyx. Closed
Location: Gryffindor Tower
Week: 29
Time: After the last event so...I'd say thursday or friday.
Rating: 14A for...well because its these two and they're deprived of smutty goodness.

Sure, the whole ‘Demyx losing his memory’ deal had at first caused Fish to mildly panic but, after reminding his blonde boyfriend of a few key facts, he realised he didn’t have to worry as much about it. And now he could tell Demyx practically anything and his boyfriend wouldn't be the wiser!....He won't but, the possibility was still there and Fish couldn't help but feel a bit powerful at the thought of the control he now had.

Right now he was waiting for Demyx to show up in the dorm so the relearning process could begin and Fish had a few ideas up his sleeve that he wanted to test out on the blonde. Hopefully with no complaints.


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