Name(s): Ren and Swan
Location: In the castle
Day: 25
Time: late morning/ early afternoon.
Rating: pg-13
Slumping against the wall, Ren held his guitar case to his chest and heaved a long sigh.
The horrible little cupids that the headmaster got were everywhere and he had a good group of them following him for about 15 minutes to sing those ridiculous ballads. Each year they were around to sing small confessions of admiration and love that the people themselves were too chicken to say to the other person’s face. Ren tended to get a few from some random girls in the younger grades but, now that it was his presumably last year, the numbers had greatly increased.
Well, what could he say? He was a popular guy.
But the fact that people could actually think that he would accept a ballad from one of those things was nothing less than insulting.
Now that he had calmed down and was away from those little winged and tone deaf creatures, he pulled his guitar from the case and started strumming out his own tune. Nothing romantic, oh gods no. Just something that he’d been working on recently that needed some decent practice time.