Name(s): Genesis, Ren, Swan, Akabane, anyone (open!)
Location: Hospital Wing
Day: 21
Time: Morning
Rating: PG?
Notes: Continued from when Swan, Ren & Genesis
aggravated the squid (day 18) and then
dragged themselves to the Hospital Wing (day 20).
Seventh years do not care for the Hospital Wing. ... Nor does anyone else. )
Bustling out of his office, Akabane ladled a murky green potion into three mugs, handing them to his three...patients.
They should find that mixture of Pepper-up Potion and an anti-bruising potion rather...interesting in terms of pain. Why, one of his patients had told him it felt rather as though there was a particularly intense fever being contracted and then breaking in under a minute!
And after all, to have 'gotten it on' with the Giant, perhaps it might be wise to seek recourse to the Veritaserum. He was aware that was not a valid reason. Who needed reason to begin a test? Scientific method was more important, after all.
But first, the Fever Potion, as his uncreative ex-patient had dubbed it, to make them a little more...unguarded. It might cure bruises and warm someone up thoroughly, but it wouldn't cure colds. However, his highly stable concoction of Veritaserum and several other Potions might just take care of that resistant virus. Might. He'd have to try it out, wouldn't he? Oh, he was positively de-lighted at the prospect...
((ooc: The effects are written. Have fun, guys! ...Oh, and the next potion is likely to be the Veritaserum. Unless someone is unresponsive.))
When Akabane had come out of his office and offered them all the potions that would apparently cure whatever’s left of the cold they had, Ren had stopped playing momentarily and just stared at the bubbling concoction in the mug. He gazed up at Akabane to see if he was serious and judging from that smile on the man’s face, the crazed scientist was expecting him to consume it.
“I’m not drinking that.” He stated. After a little rest, Ren had felt a lot better and any potion now would not make much of a difference. If anything, the idea of being around Akabane for the whole day was enough to scare him to perfect health.
When Ren had stopped playing his guitar for just a moment and then heard his protest, though, Genesis had the feeling he should be concerned. He peaked out from underneath the blankets, looking for the source of.. whatever it was that bothered Ren all of a sudden. He should have figured. Akabane.
"I'm not drinking it, either," Genesis agreed, though he looked over at Swan when he said it. He wasn't too sure how she was going to feel about this, but they knew by now how she felt about the whole incident already. "I wonder how our lovely little Swan is feeling?"
Still, she could just be overreacting to Akabane, and part of her felt very guilty for that. "I'll... I suppose it can't hurt," she said slightly weakly, reaching out to take one of the mugs.
Eyeing the potion cautiously, she looked at the others. It looked... dubious. Steeling herself, she hastily poured the contents of the mug down her throat.
"That was disgusting!" Slapping her hand over her mouth, her eyes widened with shock at her own bluntness. "I'm sorry, Sir..."
And then her eyes clamped shut. For the love of God, owowowowowow...
((OOC: ... There is a reason she isn't in Ravenclaw...))
But no matter. He tilted his head to the side, and adjusted his ubiquitous hat.
"Disgusting, Swan? Perhaps I forgot to add the flavoring. My mistake," he added with a smile.
Turning away, he got out the bottle of clear Veritaserum, that still sparked over with Larxene's accidental magic, pouring a stream of it into the two mugs that still had potion in them.
Flicking a cold glance at the other two who had refused to take his medicine, he conjured around a dozen scalpels into both of his hands and transfigured them into needles.
"Oh, I'm sorry, boys. Do you not like the taste? In that case, I would like to offer an alternative. I've heard that acupuncture is a good cure for...just about everything, in China. However, I'm not very good at it, so I could miss and hit a pressure point. Why, I might even accidentally loosen a bladder or two! Now. Would you like to drink the potion again? I've sweetened it, after all."
The needles in his hand flashed in his infirmary's windows' light as he rolled them between his gloved fingers, looking extremely comfortable with them.
Putting the guitar down, Ren stood up and walked over to the girl, holding her upright with one hand while placing the other on her forehead. He gave a sigh of relief but his face still showed some concern, she felt a little warm but nothing too alarming...atleast not yet. He heard Akabane start talking again and sent a small glare at the nurse before his gaze went to the long needles in his hand. The two options he gave were like choosing between a tiger or a lion as your opponent in a death match. Either way you end up losing.
“Sweetened or not, look at what it did to Swan!”
There wasn't a damn thing he liked about this man, and now he was completely sure of it. What the hell kind of compromise was that even supposed to be? Genesis watched Ren and Swan as he considered his supposed options. He wasn't going to let that man touch him, that was for sure. But why would he even think about drinking the stuff in the mugs they'd been given?
Genesis put the mug to his lips, and just taking in the smell of the liquid was enough to make him gag. What kind of flavoring was Akabane talking about?
..not a reasonable one, that was for sure.
He didn't have many options, and he'd have to think of something quick. Maybe if he took just a sip, that stupid man would leave them alone? A sip couldn't be enough to kill him.. that seemed like that only possible thing to do. And so, as much as he didn't want to, Genesis took a sip from the mug. He could almost feel the liquid go down his throat, and it had to be one of the worst feelings in the world. Genesis put the mug down on the little table next to his bed and muttered, "Enough of that."
Swan tensed as Genesis went to drink the potion and looked at Ren. Was he going to drink it to try and placate Akabane too? On the one hand, she didn't want those needles anywhere near Genesis or Ren, but that potion was horrifying. If anything she felt weaker after taking it, if only from that intense burning sensation. "Sir, what is that potion for?" On cue, steam started rising from her. "... Pepper-Up Potion? That wasn't like any I've taken before..." She become quieter and sounded distinctly confused. If it was just that, then it shouldn't have felt like that...
((OOC: Really, Pepper-Up Potion makes steam come out of your ears: ))
He let a faint expression of dismay cross his features. "Very well, enlighten me. What sort of 'flavor' would you like my potions to have? Sweet? Sour? Spicy? Perhaps I do need to work on it for...children. I am, after all, accustomed to much worse."
The stuff he gave Swan was definitely not any Pepper-Up Potion he had seen before. Chances are he mixed it with something else to get that nice added reaction with it….or took one of the reject potions from the 3rd year class…sadly, both sounded plausible.
He felt a bit of a twitch in his left hand and visibly tensed up when a shot of pain went up his arm through his body. It was just a small thing that he was more then used to by now but it caught him off guard and he realised how long it’s been. He could deal with it now but, he knew for a fact that he would get in a lot of trouble if he didn’t get out of the hospital wing soon. He wasn’t sure if Swan felt him twitch but, to be safe, he removed his hand from her shoulder to put it in his jean pocket.
Ren took the cigarette out of his mouth to blow some more smoke in the once sterile room and casually placed it back before getting up to walk back to his bed. He noticed the mug of the supposed Pepper Up Potion on his bedside beside the other cigarettes and looked over to Akabane with a less then pleased look at the man’s grinning face. Ren didn’t really appreciate being threatened or being called a 'child.' Maybe this would be a good time to be a little bit of a jerk, he was a punk after all and punk boys liked to rebel against authority at every possible opportunity. Picking up the make shift guitar from his bed he sat back down, turning around so the head and fretboard of the guitar 'accidentally' hit the mug on the table, making it crash and break on the white tiled floor. He gave a subtle grin as he relaxed and his hands started to play across the strings, the pain hadn’t fully set in yet so his playing was still up to par.
“Sorry, accident,” He responded casually while still playing, “Why don’t you go make a new one for me and, as for flavouring, I like a little salty.”
He knew from the start that it was a bad idea coming here.
Genesis decided on following Ren's example, except he had no intention of appearing so subtle. He reached over to the mug he'd sipped from, and gently pushed it off the table with his hand. "Oh.." he said, looking from the spilled liquid on the floor to Akabane. "Sorry. Not an accident."
If this guy was really out to get them (and Genesis was absolutely sure he was), then he was just going to have to change the man's mind. With force, if need be. Genesis was a little bored and tired of playing along with this.
Swan's temper flared a little more, her usual calm giving way. "You are meant to look after the health of the staff and students, not manipulate them!" She took a step forward now that she wasn't leaning on Ren - in fact she was closer to being in front of him now, taking up some protective urge that seemed to be written into all of her behaviour at some level. She was very tempted to drag Genesis over here as well, but decided against it -- for the moment.
(OOC: So since this seems to be getting increasingly intense, did you want Shalice to come in and rescue the kiddies from this log? XD I think the original plan was for the rescue to be the next day, but I suspect they all want out right now, yes?)
...That nepenthe should be kicking in soon, hopefully...
He had never had something fail this spectacularly. Really, what fools these students be.
...And unfortunately, violence would not work in this instance. Well, shucky-darn.
((ooc: Sure! That'd be great for Akabane, at least; you guys?))
"Correction," He said while still playing the guitar, "Two Gryffindors and one Slytherin." Ren paused slightly to point down at the ground towards the two shattered mugs and revolting liquid that was now spreading out over the tiled floor, "Since we dropped ours, you might want to get someone to clean that up."
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