Name(s): Fisheye, Akira Touya
Location: Great Hall
Day: 19
Time: mid afternoon
Rating: G
Walking back into the Great Hall, Fisheye took a deep breath and stretched his arms up over his head, enjoying the fact that he’s reached his destination after those god awful long train rides. Sure, it was nice to visit family once in a while but, once things started to bore him, coming back seemed like a breath of fresh air. Fisheye smiled at the hall that still had not disposed of its decorations, “Good to be back.” He casually removed the gloves that he always wore during muggle train rides he couldn’t really explain the scales and tapping the toe of his boot against the ground, he figured his best course of action would be to head back to the dorms and settle in once again. Picking up his carrier case, he started off in the direction of the stairs, a little swing of the hips in each of his step.