Name(s): Rangiku, anyone who wants to take Charms (or just wants to visit Ran, because she's that awesome.)
Location: Charms Classroom
Day: Day 4
Time: Morning
Rating: PG (Unless something wildly exciting happens?)
Rangiku yawned and rubbed her eyes as she strolled into the classroom. After setting her things down on the desk she looked around, surprised by the total lack of people who had beaten her there. A slight frown tugged at her lips - this was not a good precident to set.
Maybe I should go and see Larxene now... She quickly dismissed the thought. Trying to convince distract the girl from killing people was probably going to take some time.
Slumping into her chair, she shut her eyes and rested her head on her desk. If no one was here then she may as well take advantage of it.
((OOC: Just a note from glorious Stella-mod about classes:
Whoever posts first needs to put their year in the subject of their comment. For example, if Mai posts first then she'd need to write 5th year in the subject, and all the fifth years would use that thread.
If someone from another year posts, they start a new thread (with their year in the subject line) which everyone for that year will post in, etc.))