Dec 11, 2008 01:41

"It does seem that way. Though I have to say if the Headmaster pulls something like this again I'm going to have to have a talk with him." He was not usually one for confrontation, but Cid bullied him into taking the position as potions professor in the first place. Naturally, he wouldn't mind it nearly as much as if it was a job taken by his own free will.

Howl smiled genuinely, not just the charming smile he usually offered. As the waitress left to make change for the muggle money he had given her, Howl stood, needing to stretch out his long legs. He felt good about how the evening had went, at least the later half. He hoped he was actually making headway in getting Ashe to fall for him, but he knew with someone like her he needed patience.

Ashe was glad the evening wouldn't be ending on a sour note, mainly because she didn't want to have to go back and explain to everyone why she was in such a poor mood. That would be more trouble than it would be worth and she was in no frame of mind to deal with that. So for now, she would be satisfied with what she;d been given now. "i do hope he does not do anything else like this. Once or twice are more than enough." She watched him stand and followed suit, stretching as well before grabbing her coat. "This was... a very good idea. Thank you, Howl."

Once the waitress returned with his change, Howl put a very good tip down on the table. "You're quite welcome," he said, brightening at her words. "Perhaps we should do it again sometime?" he suggested, hopefully. If this made for a good headway, he could only imagine how well a second date would go.

Ashe tried not to pay attention to the money has was paying for them as she usually hated feeling useless and like a prize. She didn't want to come out of this with that feeling. That would NOT end well in any sense.

She turned back to Howl with a small sort of smile, but genuine nonetheless. "We could," she admitted slowly, not wanting to give him ideas or crush his ego at the same time. Pausing for a moment, she began to walk back outside. "It would be a welcome distraction."

: "Indeed, perhaps you could pick where next time, since you have such great tastes in food?" He asked, holding the door opened for her as they re-entered the chilly muggle street. He tried very hard not to shiver and keep his head heald high, despite the cold. How much he despised winter was not on the list of things she needed to know at the exact moment.

Ashe pulled her coat further over her body as she stepped through the door and into the cold. She kept herself calm and collected, thinking along the same lines as Howl as they made their way back to the Leaky Cauldron. "It must have dropped in temperature since we were last here," she murmured as they walked, trying not to shiver.

"It does seem that way, doesn't it?" He frowned. Really, winter was far from his favorite season. He picked up his pace a little, just to get back to the Leaky Cauldron faster, yet not too fast, knowing his stride could be much longer than Ashe's if he wished it so.

Ashe noticed the pace changed slightly, but she didn't complain at all about it. This meant less time int he cold and the Leaky Cauldron was greeted with a look of relief as they made their way inside. "I do enjoy warmth." She was not a fan of cold either. Turning to Howl as they approached the fireplace, she asked about the Floo powder, figuring she would be first again.

"As do I," he said, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as they entered the warmth of the Cauldron. Taking the powder out of his sleeve once again, he handed it over to Ashe, smiling a little to himself.

Ashe murmured her thank you to Howl and reached over to grasp a handful of the powder before stepping into the fire and releasing it. "Hogwarts, Transfiguration office!" she cried out before the floo network sucked her through it and spat her out in her office. She stood there for a few moments, wondering if Howl would come out here or in his own office.

Howl watched the Transfiguration dissapear. The thought occured to him to go somewhere else and leave Ashe alone for the night, but he really didn't want to think about what would happen if he landed on his fire demon. Surely a bunch of yelling and... his stomach twisted into a knot at the thought of stepping on a part of himself. No, he wouldn't risk it and would follow Ashe. Preparing himself for what was to come, Howl threw down the powder and was sent off spinning to the Transfiguration Office within seconds. Coming to a stop, he gripped the edge of the fireplace for a moment without realizing that he had entirely lost his usual calm, cool composure. Once his head stopped spinning, he stood and bowed politely to Ashe. "Thank you very much for tonight, Ashelia. Do please let me know when you are free for next time."

Ashe had half-expected howl to come out after her, so she wasn't surprised when he did appear out of her fireplace. She tried not to show her surprise at his expression, however, as she waited for him to gather himself again. floo powder was a bit of a trip after all. "it was a good time for me as well," she answered. "i will check my schedule and let you know when I may be able to. If you have a specific day in mind, please suggest it." She was getting antsy again and hoped she would be allowed to rest soon.

Straightening up again, Howl walked towards the door. Turning the handle, he turned around one last time. "Yes, I'll do that. I hope the rest of your evening is quite pleasant," he said with a final smile before turning leaving.

Ashe smiled and murmured her own blessing as she watched him walk away before sighing to herself and going to the trouble of getting ready for bed, heart and mind confused.

❧ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, ❧howl pendragon

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