How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labelled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go
hereIf you find that events are carried out in the
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Yep, slack day. 8D
Milly here is going to introduce herself, her Furret, Rhetta (who wears a fedora, like a classic reporter), and then ask your names and why you're taking this class. What do you want to learn here? What do you think this class is about? Why are you taking this class? Ect.
All will help her better tailor this class to fit you kids and your goals - not to mention, she seems genuinely interested. She'll also be giving a run down of what you're expected and going to be learning in her class.
Oh, and no homework for today kids! It's their first day of class back from the hols, and Milly is awesome like that. Next time you won't be so lucky, but she doesn't mention that. Just waves to each of you when class is over and cheerfully wishes you a good day!
Come in, come in! :D And feel free to notice her gun in the corner~
Oh, and he might be frowning at that gun. A lot.
Milly on the other hand... Milly is totally happy to meet someone new! She sets down her quill and greets him happily. Hi Mr.Wayne! She'll call her fellow staff member by that title until/unless he tells her otherwise, too.
Annnddd...that frown doesn't go unnoticed. Despite her bubbly personality, she is quite sharp. She will gently inform him that, even though it's really, really big, it is still just a stun gun. She does not use lethal projectiles and, even if anyone could pick it up (SO HEAVY) it is warded to her magical signature alone unless she gives permission otherwise.
Bruce'll nod and patiently listen, but guns still go against his principles. So he will be alright with it on the outside, but still secretly fume about it on the inside because "it's a gun, those things're dangerous 8| " and so forth.
Milly will just sort of take it as face value with a nod and her almost ever present smile. Though, she'll still be really careful around Bruce, keeping her gun out of sight because she is so very nice like that.
He'll appreciate that! The less he has to see it, the better. :< So he'll change the topic and ask Milly if she'd attended Hogwarts in the past or how she heard of it; something along those lines.
With a laugh, Milly will say that Hogwarts is definitely much more fun when your family is about! She knows that from personal experience, as all ten of her siblings attended Hogwarts - five were still there when she first attended, too. She'll explain this as she answers his question. Yes, she did attend Hogwarts for all seven years!
Oh goodness! Bruce laughs, nodding at her words. That's quite the family she has! Not unlike his children... but he'll admit that he hadn't heard of Hogwarts while he was growing up. He attended Salem, so he's used to the American schooling system (which to be frank, is quite different from the British!) and its ways. Hogwarts'll be a challenge, but a fun one, he hopes!
Speaking of fun, he'll then ask if she'd like to chaperone a trip to Hogsmeade with him in the future. You know, to get more acquainted with the school and stuff.
Milly nods, listening to Bruce's every word. She spent some time in America and was amazed at how the simplest of things were different! When she heard of the grading system, it took a bit to fully wrap her mind around them. All those letters meaning different things! She'll go onto say that Hogwarts is a pretty special place, but it's a good one. There is always something going on, it seems.
Oh? 8D Milly would be delighted to do such! It sounds like a great idea.
Better than a dull school, Bruce responds. At least he knows it's not much of a partying school.
It does, doesn't it! Bruce just hopes it won't end in disaster like another dinner - with Thomas - though he's more polite than to say that out loud.
Milly laughs. Not until after the Quidditch games, she'll remark. That's usually when parties happen, but the prefects are always good about supervision.
Good thing, too. She might of been curious enough to inquire about what he meant. :>
He laughs too; alright, he'll have to make a mental note about that later.
It's usually more rowdy for whichever team one, she'll say with another laugh. She remembers those Hufflepuff parties rather well~
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