Beat but I'm not broken // Guide me through with your hand

Oct 04, 2010 18:36

WHO: Zekk & Open~~
LOCATION: Training grounds outside
WEEK: 68
TIME: Tuesday afternoon
WHAT: Laserswording and thinking stuffs
RATING: Couldn't be more than PG-13?

The orange light from his blade splashed against his skin as Zekk went through the motions of swinging, thrusting, testing his leg out as he lunged. It felt a lot better, which he was thankful for. He really should have just taken a potion or paste or whatever it was that they did here to heal things, but being stuck in the school's infirmary hadn't been the most appealing of ideas. His own ability to heal himself through the Force came in handy during those moments, at least. More than that, though, a small and strange part of him had wanted to keep the wound there for as long as he could.

It just remained as a reminder of Jaina.

If he was a deep thinker like Jacen, maybe he could have attributed the lightsaber wound she had created to his healing feelings for her, murky and awkward as they were.

The blade swung around as he battled against invisible enemies, breathing deeply.

He had to stop feeling for her. Zekk had felt her feelings, her agony when she felt Jim through the Force. The thought dug at him as he remembered it.

Another lunge, and a phantom pain twinged in his thigh, though he ignored it.

!open, dita liebely, zekk peckhum, james kirk

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