It Left Me Caught Between~

Oct 01, 2010 19:10

WHO: The Black Lady, Open to All!
LOCATION: Various hallways within the castle.
WEEK: Sixty-seven
TIME: Friday; Night, 8PM to early morning.
WHAT: With nostalgia running rampant, TBL takes a stroll through out the halls of Hogwarts.
RATING: PG, however it may move higher depending upon who responds.

The Black Lady quietly sauntered through out the empty halls -- as much as a ghost could saunter, anyways --, her red sash draping elegantly off of her arms. She passed by window after window with only the pale moonlight as her guide, all the torches had been extinguished hours ago.

It was during nights like this, quiet and star speckled, that she could allow herself to remember.

A child's exuberant laughter.

A woman's dainty amusement.

A man's dignified chuckle.

Her family.

A loud, anguish filled scream, followed by several pleas for mercy.

And their victims.

A time when things were much, incredibly so, more proper. A time when life was wonderful, marvelous even. A time when people knew their place. A time so long, long forgotten - nearly completely so.

With a soft, dainty sigh as she gave into the feelings her memories kept pushing and pulling at the edges of her psyche to invoke, she turned to a near by window and glanced down at the scene before her. At least, if nothing else in these modern times of such impropriety, the beauty of the night was still the same.

usagiko ‘black lady’ kuromun, ❧nanao ise

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