WHO: Keri, Sieglinde
LOCATION: Slytherin Common Rooms to the Kitchens
WEEK: 65
TIME: Midday sometime
WHAT: Keri decides Sieg needs some cheering up
Keri hadn't yet been able to decide if she was glad or upset that she had missed Ultimecia's attack, so until she could figure that out she was content to work on cheering up...well, everyone else. Those who'd been caught in the middle, and those who felt guilty for having not been, Keri was there for them all.
Sieglinde, however, was a priority, so when Keri caught the journal, it didn't take more than a few comments for the girl to clear her schedule for the rest of the day in preparation for ice cream and other useful activities. Not that she actually had a literal schedule, but that was hardly the point.
That done, she wandered her way over to her younger friend's dorm. Not bothering to knock, she threw the door open, all smiles. "All right, your kidnapper has arrived! I'm terribly sorry, I forgot the bag to put over your head - you'll be all right without it, won't you?'