Counseling for one and all..... if you prefer Claude that is.

Sep 09, 2010 17:33

WHO: Claude Faustus & OPEN
LOCATION: Counseling Office
WEEK: 65
TIME: After the Inferi invasion and subsequent defeat.
WHAT: After speaking with Miss Meioh, Claude adopts her policy for OPEN HOURS..... JUST THIS ONCE. Once things return to normal, expect the strict times to be adhered to again, and you'll have to sign up for sessions again.
RATING: PG- ( Read more... )

kadaj sorel, !open, claude faustus

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spinningtheweb September 14 2010, 20:28:39 UTC
Strangely, the counselor had not been lying about how he appreciated the others forthrightness, but this did not mean than the boy believed him. It was his job at this institution to try and "fix" students but in Kadaj's case it sounded like a terrible shame. He seemed to have a more accurate interpretation of the human race, their flaws, and how meaningless it was to try and do anything with them... beyond taking their souls.

Another conflict of interest, it would seem....

Ah, but he already had a master... so he was leaning in favor of keeping this in league with what the Headmaster would have expected. Ie. Trying to help Kadaj work through his problems rather than embracing them and turning them into his own power.

Alerted to Kadaj's presence in a much louder fashion than Endrance had employed, he was soon at the door, opening for Kadaj and inviting him in. "Mr. Sorel, I appreciate your coming to see me about this". So promptly as well. "Burning them would instantly remove their unsightly existence". He considered it but motioned to the available seating.

"Make yourself comfortable".


adventumangelus September 14 2010, 22:52:26 UTC
Kadaj smiled, putting on a warm facade and hummed, "I was happy to come." He stepped past Claude and dropped down into one of the seats, resting his hands behind his head. "I find burning is one of the easiest and most efficient solutions to just about everything. But I like to try and get more creative!" He paused thoughtfully, deciding to be extra considerate and propped his feet up on the desk.

He pressed his heels against the desk to push the chair back, letting it sway back and forth until it threatened to fall all the way back. "What were we going to talk about, Sir?"


spinningtheweb September 15 2010, 03:02:30 UTC
The energy emanating of of this student was so much stronger in person. A rare and unique soul.. it was almost enough to make one salivate at the very thought of it.




...... Feet on his desk....




All thoughts of the boys soul swiftly evaporated replaced by an internal feeling of loathing. At least the desk was not used in the service of preparing or serving a meal however the action struck a cord.

Apparently Claude had made a mistake. Instead of Make yourself comfortable it should have been take a seat like a respectable human being would.... Alas, the error was his own, and it wouldn't do to reprimand Kadaj about it now. He would have to try and stand it.

Watching the delicate balance between the chair and the heels scraping against the desk was almost hypnotic. It would be so easy.... to tip the little cretin over.....

Kadaj's words sliced through Claude's inner turmoil and brought him back to reality. "Your goals, what it is that you wish to achieve". He was still standing near the door like he had been when Kadaj first entered.


adventumangelus September 15 2010, 03:32:06 UTC
Shame, Claude wasn't taking the bait. Kadaj felt like pouting, but he decided against it. He'd just have to try harder...that was right. His goals. He rolled his eyes and leaned back further to get a better look at Claude, and for a beautiful millisecond could have fallen over, before he balanced himself again. "My goal is to become the best Auror ever. For my name to become so feared that Ultimecia will seem like as much of a threat as a first year bully in comparison to me. That's my goal, Sir!" He grinned broadly. When most people heard his goal they would either get upset, or uncomfortable and pretend to go along with it. Would Claude's reaction be any different?


spinningtheweb September 18 2010, 02:20:47 UTC
Not that he didn't want to take the bait. Claude watched with marked interest as Kadaj neared closer to toppling over once again, silently willing him to go again and do it. If Kadaj fell on his own... it would be no fault of his. Regrettably,.. it was not to be.

Finally, snapping out of his fixation long enough, Claude moved to take a seat himself. Once he neared a chair, he realized he had forgotten to shut the door, quickly he rectified the situation and sat down. He couldn't allow Kadaj to distract him any further. "An Auror? And what have you been doing to obtain this goal?".

"Auror training is rigorous, extensive, and difficult and there are certain tasks you must complete before you may be admitted to said training. As I am not familiar with your background.. how are you fairing in your classes?". Sounding more and more like a textbook on the subject he added. "One must earn a minimum of five N.E.W.T.s in a variety of challenging subjects such as but not limited to Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology. Your grade can't be lower than "Exceeds Expectations" in any of these subjects. Also, prospective Aurors are required to undergo a stringent series of character and aptitude tests to show they react under pressure".

"Have you completed any of the work to become an Auror?". Claude was hedging his bets that Kadaj would fail the character or aptitude tests. They didn't just admit anyone into Auror training.


adventumangelus September 18 2010, 03:04:40 UTC
Once Claude was sitting Kadaj adjusted his position slightly to be more comfortable, his feet not leaving the desk. "I've been doing well in all my classes, and have been taking some...extracurricular training too." He knew it was a hard road, but as Claude droned on Kadaj had a harder time maintaining his bored appearance. They all doubted him, didn't they? For different reasons, after all he doubted Claude knew about his brother...but they all doubted him. A small crease appeared as he frowned resentfully. Disregarding Claude's words was impossible now as they seemed to grow louder in his head.

"I can react just fine under pressure, thanks. And I'm more than capable of meeting all of their other mediocre expectations!" His fist flew down on the desk and he glared. Not at Claude, but the truth. If he didn't manage to become an Auror and failed, he didn't know what he would do.


spinningtheweb September 18 2010, 04:08:28 UTC
A puzzlement. Kadaj reacted so negatively to the material. Was it not a counselor's job to tell students what they would be facing and how to subsequently acquire their career goals? If the child had managed to hear his internal thoughts.. then perhaps the anger would have been more suitable. In all honesty that fire burning in Kadaj, that hate and malice would be the biggest obstacle. No one would want to train someone who could not control his temper.

"I'm not the one you have to convince," Claude replied coolly, not a hint of emotion in his voice. Taking a moment to adjust his glasses he added, "It sounds as if you are already well aware of the trials that lay ahead". At least Kadaj had one thing, determination. He debated being perfectly frank with this student, instead he asked another question, "And the only reason you wish to become an auror is for the power? Or is there something more?".


adventumangelus September 18 2010, 04:37:53 UTC
The mini-tantrum was quick to fade with Kadaj leaning back in the chair while he amused himself with his hands. "I know that," he drawled lowly, eyes downcast. "I've done my research. There's no point in going into something completely blind if you don't have to." His mood was rapidly changing to excitement this time, eyes alight with a warped passion. "There's lots more. But I have some questions for you first." It just wouldn't be any fair if Kadaj did all the talking.

"Why did you choose to become a counselor? You have to deal with people."


spinningtheweb September 18 2010, 07:37:12 UTC
He fought back the urge to explain to Kadaj that he had no way of knowing what the boy actually knew without having brought it up in the first place but it wasn't worth it. Claude also made a note of the swift mood changes Kadaj displayed for future reference; they could be indicative of a personality disorder. Just as it sounded as if they might be getting somewhere the subject was shifted to himself.

Hmm.. It sounded as if in order to get answered Claude was going to have to share a few himself. Now how to phrase this without blatantly lying. "There was a need". My master needed to come here, so I became a counselor to follow. "We should however be discussing you and not me. This is your session".


adventumangelus September 18 2010, 08:00:19 UTC
Well, Kadaj did intend to make the session as painful for Claude as possible. He pulled out his wand and began waving it carelessly, standing from the seat to pace around him. He didn't really like being on even ground with an authority figure when he could have the upper. "But I want to know if I can really trust you." He wouldn't.

He threw the wand in the air, waiting until the last second to catch it. Kadaj continued the pattern closer to Claude's ear, leaning down to whisper to him. "You must get sick of listening to everyone else. Don't you ever want to talk about yourself?"


spinningtheweb September 22 2010, 04:52:52 UTC
Clearly, Kadaj was not going to remain focused on the actual subject of their previous discussion. It mattered not to him whether the boy remained seated or paced around the room. " I assure you that anything we discuss or will discuss in this room, will not leave it". What kind of a counselor would he be if it did?

Not allowing the proximity of Kadaj to his person effect him Claude replied," Not especially". What would be the point? It's not as if Claude desired the companionship of others. All that mattered was his duties; listening to students concerns being among them.

"However if it will ease your mind.. " He adjusted his glasses one more time before adding," I chose this profession as it was beneficial to do so".


adventumangelus September 23 2010, 04:00:05 UTC
"That's good to know," Kadaj responded lightly, before his voice lowered. "But that doesn't really concern me. Sorry! Did you think you were special?" He stepped away from Claude to move in front of him and lower himself again, this time looking straight at him, tilting his head in a small, subtle motion in curiosity. "Beneficial to whom?" To himself, or others? Somehow Kadaj doubted it was the former. Even more, he doubted Claude would admit it. What kind of counselor would say something like that?

"So, when are you going to start asking me all the predictable questions?" He shrugged and stood back.


spinningtheweb September 28 2010, 01:39:01 UTC
Claude doubted the sincerity in Kadaj's first response, his second confirmed that he was not. What sort of a question is do you think you were special?. "Did I say as much? Strangely, I cannot recall even implying it". Getting more-or-less on the same level with the counselor was a new tactic. Kadaj was clearly seeking an answer Claude had no intention of providing, "Beneficial to those it concerns..". In part beneficial to himself for allowing him to seamlessly fit into the school and be near his master, and more-so beneficial to his master.

"You did not think the previous questions were already predictable?" He replied, almost incredulously. Career choices should have prompted similar questions from counselors past. "What would you have me ask instead?".


adventumangelus September 28 2010, 03:11:46 UTC
Kadaj gave a huff at Claude's polite indifference, leaning down to rest his elbow on the desk, cheek cupped in his palm in an almost sullen manner. "You admit you're not special? What kind of attitude is that? At least you're honest." The vague response was something he had expected, but that didn't make Claude any easier to trust. Fortunately for the counselor (or maybe not), he liked talking about himself!

"I don't know. I don't go to counselors often." A shrug. "So you want to know why I wish to become an auror? I'm doing it for her love."


spinningtheweb September 29 2010, 02:28:47 UTC
"You're reading too much into my words. I neither said I was or was not special. An adjective in and of itself that is subjective purely depending on the user," Claude corrected once more. They were getting bogged down in semantics again. He was merely stating fsct, something he was swiftly learning was unexpected in this institution and often misinterpreted.

Then how could you come in here, with so many preconceived notions? Ah, but it looked like Kadaj was finally ready to resume their talk. " For someone's love?". Love? Something Claude truly had not been able to understand. The subject was of mild interest... the connections formed between certain bonds seemed stronger than others. He did... wish to know why. "Who is she?".


adventumangelus October 7 2010, 05:23:03 UTC
"My mistake. I'll never overestimate your self image again." Kadaj shrugged, dropping the subject. When it became overcomplicated it was either that, or destroying things.

At the previous subject, he was quick to turn his head, his light tone now erratic with emotion. "The best person there ever is. She's like a goddess. If such things exist, it would surely be her. I'm so fortunate, to be a son of such a Mother." If only he were a better one. He wouldn't be in this office, talking about her instead of talking to her. He gave a hurried, painful smile. "That's why I'm going to be a perfect Auror. The perfect son."


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