Counseling for one and all..... if you prefer Claude that is.

Sep 09, 2010 17:33

WHO: Claude Faustus & OPEN
LOCATION: Counseling Office
WEEK: 65
TIME: After the Inferi invasion and subsequent defeat.
WHAT: After speaking with Miss Meioh, Claude adopts her policy for OPEN HOURS..... JUST THIS ONCE. Once things return to normal, expect the strict times to be adhered to again, and you'll have to sign up for sessions again.
RATING: PG- ( Read more... )

kadaj sorel, !open, claude faustus

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spinningtheweb September 14 2010, 19:57:07 UTC
"Endrance then," Claude repeated to acknowledge that he'd heard the response, and to commit the name to memory. Somehow he'd missed it when he reviewed the student roster last time. Personally the counselor was relieved to see that someone appeared to have good taste. Although Endrance didn't comment about it he seemed to appreciate the fastidious work that had gone into the room. The last student who ventured here.. kept trying to rearrange everything.

Once the student was seated, Claude moved to an unoccupied chair and took his own seat. Employing a swift summoning spell he drew a note book and a pen towards him, snatching them out of the air when they were close enough. So this was not about the Inferi after all. He waited for Endrance to elaborate before answering.

"Dream interpretation is another method used for exploring the unconscious. Primarily focusing on the associations of the dreamer related to the manifest content. Dating back to biblical times, perhaps even before," The counselor answered glancing up from his notebook to look towards Endrance. "I am familiar with it, yes".

"Is it safe to assume that you've been having some variety of dreams related to this personal matter?".


bolt_of_love September 14 2010, 23:12:35 UTC
And that would be because he was listed as Kaoru Ichinose. However, going by such a title here. . . He didn't want that. That was his old self, who he was at home. School wasn't home; school was better, more comfortable, and it made him and Mia happy.

Then, a small smile would actually crawl upon his lips. It was very, very pleasing to hear this other had his head on straight. He was even a little intimidating. That was admired. At least they were getting down to business quickly.

He relaxed a little more upon knowing this.

"That's correct, sir. . . I was hoping I could ask for your insight. . ."


spinningtheweb September 15 2010, 02:40:36 UTC
Yes, Kaoru Ichinose would have been recognized, perhaps later when cross-referencing images to go along with the names the parallels might be drawn. The oversight was secretly nagging the counselor, not that it showed in his outward demeanor.

That was something that apparently the two had in common, a desire to take care of business swiftly. Noting the subtle cues in Endrance's mannerisms, the counselor felt certain this session was going smoothly.

"That is what a counselor is essentially for," Claude assured the student, urging him to go on.


bolt_of_love September 15 2010, 05:07:59 UTC
In the beginning, he didn't mind being addressed as Kaoru. But as a new chapter was presented, it was a time for change. Skin would be shed, revealing something slick and glossy and new, and that meant his old name. . .had to leave. That's when his study habits went deep.

It was just a few seconds before Endrance continued, he shifting a little and tightening his interlaced grasp.

"Recently. . .I've been seeing someone dear to me in my dreams. . . In the beginning it. . . They were the happiest, most beautiful. . . I'd see her smiling, and she'd come into my arms. . . But. . ."

Due to school studies, his personal time was, of course, cut short. This never was a problem at all. Managing time wasn't hard. It was even mastered in later weeks. In fact, the blue-haired male began to reach the peak just recently. He could begin experimenting now.

"It has only. . .been a few nights, but. . . She. . .has taken a turn in my dreams, and it has been the same since. . . I will be before a staircase and hear scurrying feet, as well as her beautiful voice. . She's singing, and it's so. . .sad and. . .

"When I reach the top, I'll be in a dark room, with a light pointing at a stage, and. . . And. . .she'll be there. It's as if she is. . .calling for me. . . Upon joining her, her face is suddenly. . .rotting and becoming so hideous, and her song is replaced with. . .painful screaming. I normally wake when her hands grab mine and she pulls me in close and her cries grow."


spinningtheweb September 18 2010, 03:53:15 UTC
When Endrance began relaying what the dream was, Claude set his pen into motion, jotting down any points of interest. This record may serve invaluable in the course of their sessions, if it indeed lead to further sessions.

"Is this someone, currently in your life? Or had you lost contact with them prior to the dreams?". The difference could definitely alter how the dream was interpreted. He would have assumed the latter, or why would dreaming of them have been so significant in the first place? Ah but the contents of the following dreams seemed more pressing and dire.

He calmly held his tongue, only glancing up from his notepad occasionally while Endrance continued. Refraining from mentioning his initial thoughts, that girl is going to die, or is in grave danger..., since it would not be conducive to the session and dreams were not always so literal. "The fact that it's a reoccurring dream means your subconscious is desperately trying to send you a message. These dreams tend to take on nightmare-like qualities to force the psyche into paying attention".

"A few points of interest.... staircases are often associated with change or transformation, just as your dream changed, things may be changing in reality. Sorrowful music is linked to unhappiness, discord and disharmony. Hearing another scream can indicate that someone you know is in danger.... Darkness.. is self explanatory..." Claude listed the common meanings for various elements found in Endrance's dream almost robotically. "More importantly is how you see the dream?".

"What do you think it's trying to tell you.....? How does it make you feel?".


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