excitate vow e somno, liberi fatali

Sep 01, 2010 14:07

WEEK: 65
TIME: Early (12:15am onwards) Saturday morning through Sunday evening
RATING: Inferi, violence, shenanigans - It could get pretty high. M to be safe, for now.
We will be posting another giant event log for the recovery stuff, this is purely for stuff during the event!

Please note ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, dita liebely, reno flynn, sieglinde baumgard, erza scarlet, jayne cobb, revan mirabil, ❧maylene o'nyhyn, agni arshad, thomas raith, ritsuka aoyagi, kadaj sorel, ❧oc - dionysus drake, kairi sable, serah farron, vanille dia, aerith gainsborough, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧galatea godeye, oc - ambrosia sterling, ❧hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, asch grants, kyp durron, ❧gazille redfox, hope estheim, ❧luke skywalker, ❧leonard 'bones' mccoy, eagle vision, yoichi hiruma, ❧konohamaru sarutobi, ❧lulu draupnir, alyss heart, lucy heartphilia, bridget guisbourne, ❧orihime inoue, zekk peckhum, oc - lilith dupond, ❧integra hellsing, sylvanas windrunner, ❧namine snow, washu kobayashi, hikaru shidou, ❧gao meguro, !open, jacen solo, rinoa heartilly, yellow caballero, lightning farron, basch fon ronsenburg, ❧chao lingshen, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, harry dresden, snow villiers, ❧yu kanda, ❧jaina solo, sebastian michaelis, alois trancy, xigbar strelka, zak saturday, catty turner, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, ❧alphonse elric, ❧xerxes break, sam winchester, tenel ka chume ta' djo, !event, claude faustus, ❧leia organa solo, ❧elizabeth middleford, ❧kazumi asakura, fang yun, luke fon fabre, ren honjo, ciel phantomhive, ❧setsuna meioh, sakura haruno, sei satou

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KAIRI; Running through the halls like an idiot; Open driftingtides September 1 2010, 05:06:46 UTC
Things looked bad ( ... )


delbosqueverde September 1 2010, 05:37:44 UTC
It hadn't taken Yellow long at all to figure out that nobody was really listening to the people giving orders.

Especially not the people giving orders ( ... )


driftingtides September 1 2010, 06:10:09 UTC
Her breath was caught somewhere between her throat and her heart, and even though she could feel her lungs working, she wasn't sure anything was actually coming out. There had been no Inferi to cross her path so far, but every single tiny sound was like--

And then a monster jumped right at her from around the corner, and Kairi screamed, leaping backward and jerking up her wand, an unknown spell on the tip of her tongue. Abruptly the monster turned into a smiling Yellow, who seemed to be saying something, but Kairi's heart was in her throat and pounding so hard she could not hear anything, let alone form a coherent reply.

She took a moment to regain her bearings and lowered her wand, gasping. "Yellow! Please don't do that!"


delbosqueverde September 1 2010, 06:24:22 UTC
Yellow's bright smile had faltered when Kairi drew her wand, but he didn't even think to raise his own in return. Kairi wouldn't hurt him. She wouldn't.

"Wha!! Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" he said frantically, putting up his hands in apology. "Well, not that much. You should have told someone you were leaving!"

(You should have told me you were leaving, she thought. Keeping a secret was one thing, but what if Kairi had gotten hurt somewhere alone in the corridor? One injured person can't make it to the hospital wing alone.)

Yellow quickly brushed off the train thought, smiling and refocusing on the task at hand. "Anyway. Who or what are you looking for? It's not good to be out here for too long, so let's get it done quickly! It would be best if no one got hurt."


driftingtides September 1 2010, 07:06:04 UTC
"Sorry," She whispered, making sure her wand was good and pointed at the floor. Of course she would never hurt Yellow, even if he scared the gumdrops out of her by jumping out at her from around the around the corner in the middle of a zombie attack. "It's okay." Let her just catch her breath a minute, and she would be fine.

Straightening, Kairi put on a brave face and tried to look, at the very least, slightly optimistic.

"Heading to the Gryffindor common room," She said, hoping her voice did not suddenly sound as uncertain as she felt. Just risking herself was one thing, but Yellow too...? "Yellow, if you want to meet me back at the Hospital Wing, that's okay."


s-scared the gumdrops out of her /dies laughing delbosqueverde September 1 2010, 18:17:46 UTC
"The common room?" Yellow asked, puzzled. If Kairi had wanted to wait it out there, why had she gone to the Hospital Wing in the first place? Surely Sakura wouldn't have made her stay if she hadn't wanted to. No, Kairi was probably going to check on one of her housemates, and he could understand that. Yellow didn't pry further on her reasoning.

"Do you really think you'll be alright on your own?" he asked instead, smile fading. If Kairi didn't want company, Yellow wouldn't follow her...but an uncomfortable ache threatened to rise in the pit of his stomach when he thought about leaving her alone out in the halls with the threat of Inferi looming all around. He hadn't seen anything yet, but there was broken glass everywhere and even now some strange, inhuman noises could be heard from a distance. And Kairi looked so scared. "Well, maybe I can just get you as far as the Common Room? Then I can head back to the Hospital Wing and wait for you ( ... )


No other word would fit XD driftingtides September 1 2010, 21:03:39 UTC
She just nodded, already beginning to realize how ridiculous her sudden quest was. Sakura's yelling had not been enough to deter her; Yellow's safety was, however, more than enough.

Would she be all right on her own? No more then Yellow would be, and she could hardly send the younger student away now. If the hallways she had passed through had been empty before, there was a large chance they weren't, now.

Okay. She swallowed, nodded again, and glanced around. "I don't want you to go off by yourself either," she told him, trying her very hardest not to sound as worried as she felt. She reached out and grabbed Yellow's hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you for coming to get me. Let's keep moving for the Common Room; it's safer and it's not to fa--"

A sharp screech interrupted her words, a terrifyingly delighted Ehehehehehe... ripping through the silence. Kairi jerked, her hand tightening over Yellow's instinctively as she raised her wand, her head rapidly scanning the corridor to find... nothing ( ... )


delbosqueverde September 2 2010, 03:26:08 UTC
"Of course!" Yellow said enthusiastically, trying not to blush as Kairi grabbed his hand. "I was just worried. It wouldn't be very good to be caught out here alone."

He was about to agree about heading for the Common Room when an eerie laugh tumbled through the hall, setting his hair on end. Yellow tightened his grip on his wand with one hand, the other clenched in Kairi's fingers. Looking around frantically, he tried to pick up where the noise was coming from, but it was no use.

"Too much echo," he said, starting to pull Kairi down the hall, eyes darting all around. "I can't hear where it's coming from."

He'd barely finished the sentence when something moving too fast to be human rushed out at them from the shadows-Yellow couldn't react fast enough-

[No, here is fine! I'll let you decide who gets attacked by the Jockey. ._____.]


driftingtides September 2 2010, 05:19:24 UTC
She didn't know what it was, what could possibly make that kind of horrifying giggle, and now matter how many times she turned around she couldn't find it. The laughter was getting louder, almost right in her ear, when suddenly one of the shadows moved and leaped and --

Something heavy and foul crashed into her shoulders. She lost Yellow's hand and screamed, stumbling backwards and just barely managing not to fall over. There were hands-- claws-- covering her face and gripping her hair and jerking her head back and she lost all sense of direction, didn't know where to point her wand or what was going on and that stupid laughter was still surrounding her, peels and peels of unholy giggles as she cried out and tried to shake this thing off.


delbosqueverde September 2 2010, 05:59:00 UTC
She didn't have to scream. The thing didn't have to laugh. Yellow's chest had already seized with fear when he felt Kairi's hand tearing out of his. He had already known something was horribly wrong before he turned around. Except, really, he hadn't, because he did turn around, and nothing could have prepared Yellow for the creature-the monster-that was attacking his friend. It was horrible, rotting, laughing. He screamed,

(she screamed, unable to suppress the reflex)

but his wand was already drawn and incantations were tearing through his mind even as Kairi fought the claws raking across her face. Lightning, the Chairman said lightning, he thought numbly, and shouted, "F-fultacio!"

Sparks shot weakly from his wand. Kairi cried out again, unable to shake off the Jockey. Yellow had failed.

(She'd never cast a curse successfully in her life, of course it wouldn't have worked now. Even if she needed it to.)

"Let her go!" he shouted, circling them desperately and trying not to show how helpless he felt. The thing only laughed. Fire ( ... )


driftingtides September 2 2010, 06:19:55 UTC
It wouldn't let her think, wouldn't even let her breathe, as she opened her mouth to draw in breath to scream again and the creature grabbed her jaw, laughing like a hyena as it jerked her head one way and then the next. She bit her tongue, hands coming up to fight it ineffectively-- she had no leverage to land a good blow and her wand was hardly a match for it, when she couldn't even see to cast anything.

The creature was horrible and strong and it smelled and suddenly, Kairi felt her shoulder smack into a stone wall with a bright, piercing pain. She tripped over her own feet and tumbled to the floor, attempting to roll, anything that might get this thing off of her...


delbosqueverde September 2 2010, 06:50:24 UTC
Yellow shouted, watching as Kairi was jerked around like a puppet. Panicked, he began noiselessly mouthing the incantation over and over again but was unable to put any strength behind it. What if his friend got burned? What if he couldn't control the spell?

(She didn't want to fight!)

But then, without warning, Kairi collided with the wall, completely disoriented with the Jockey impeding her vision and movements. The girl fell, flailing, but the monster still wouldn't let go.

Something in Yellow snapped. The thing wouldn't stop until it killed her. Nothing he did could be worse than what the Inferi was doing now. Taking a deep breath, he drew his wand again. "Kairi, I'm sorry. Don't move."

(Sometimes you had to fight. She knew that. And sometimes your friends got hurt.)

"Incendio!This time, Yellow didn't let the flames falter. He gritted his teeth and aimed as best he could. The Inferi finally stopped its terrible laughter with a chilling shriek, jumping back, and Yellow ran forward, not letting up on the spell. He closed his ( ... )


driftingtides September 2 2010, 07:06:15 UTC
Something very, very hot swiped past her cheek and touched her shoulder, but then that creature finally, blissfully let go. It shrieked and clambered off, and suddenly she was alone on the floor, lying there gasping ( ... )


delbosqueverde September 2 2010, 07:25:31 UTC
Yellow's poor attempt at a smile nearly disappeared completely when he didn't get an immediate response from Kairi, who was shaking badly. For a moment the terrible thought crossed his mind: Did I really look so terrible, fighting that monster? But he didn't linger on it, dropping to one knee and helping the girl to stand. And Kairi's muttered word of gratitude, though quiet, sounded genuine ( ... )


driftingtides September 3 2010, 05:19:39 UTC
"It's okay," She protested, not wanting Yellow to waste more energy on a simple burn-- but Yellow had already committed herself. The pain faded away abruptly underneath the cool waterfall of Yellow's healing magic. She reached up, catching Yellow's wrist and gently pulling his hand away. "I'm okay." She gave him a rough smile. "Much better than I would have been, without you. Thank you."

The groans were getting closer, and Kairi made the mistake of glancing back. Something... something had definitely just darted past the crossway just behind them. She gripped Yellow's hand tighter and pulled her around the next corner, heart picking up. Then again, had it yet slowed down?

Her other hand tugged at the charred remains of her sleeve and pulled the rough threads loose. Her shoulder felt... baby soft, like brand new skin. How powerful of a healing spell had Yellow just worked?


LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. delbosqueverde September 3 2010, 07:55:27 UTC
"It was nothing," he told her with a smile much brighter than the one he'd tried a few minutes ago. The panic and fear in his stomach began to loosen at her words. "You would have done the same for me-"

Yellow was cut off as Kairi glanced over her shoulder and abruptly quickened her pace, pulling both of them around the corner. Was that another Inferi moving in the corner of his eye, or just a shadow? He turned his head too slowly to tell, movements just a tad sluggish, almost unable to keep up with his companion as they sped down the hall. Maybe he should have held off just a little bit on the healing spell...

"Kairi," he started, and then it happened.

One minute they'd been darting through a dark, relatively empty corridor, and the next a shimmering wall sprung up directly in their path. Yellow shouted, skidding to a halt, and whipped back around around just in time to see a similar barrier materialize directly opposite the first. He began to move to the left, but it was no use: within seconds they were completely boxed in ( ... )


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