excitate vow e somno, liberi fatali

Sep 01, 2010 14:07

WEEK: 65
TIME: Early (12:15am onwards) Saturday morning through Sunday evening
RATING: Inferi, violence, shenanigans - It could get pretty high. M to be safe, for now.
We will be posting another giant event log for the recovery stuff, this is purely for stuff during the event!

Please note ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, dita liebely, reno flynn, sieglinde baumgard, erza scarlet, jayne cobb, revan mirabil, ❧maylene o'nyhyn, agni arshad, thomas raith, ritsuka aoyagi, kadaj sorel, ❧oc - dionysus drake, kairi sable, serah farron, vanille dia, aerith gainsborough, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧galatea godeye, oc - ambrosia sterling, ❧hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, asch grants, kyp durron, ❧gazille redfox, hope estheim, ❧luke skywalker, ❧leonard 'bones' mccoy, eagle vision, yoichi hiruma, ❧konohamaru sarutobi, ❧lulu draupnir, alyss heart, lucy heartphilia, bridget guisbourne, ❧orihime inoue, zekk peckhum, oc - lilith dupond, ❧integra hellsing, sylvanas windrunner, ❧namine snow, washu kobayashi, hikaru shidou, ❧gao meguro, !open, jacen solo, rinoa heartilly, yellow caballero, lightning farron, basch fon ronsenburg, ❧chao lingshen, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, harry dresden, snow villiers, ❧yu kanda, ❧jaina solo, sebastian michaelis, alois trancy, xigbar strelka, zak saturday, catty turner, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, ❧alphonse elric, ❧xerxes break, sam winchester, tenel ka chume ta' djo, !event, claude faustus, ❧leia organa solo, ❧elizabeth middleford, ❧kazumi asakura, fang yun, luke fon fabre, ren honjo, ciel phantomhive, ❧setsuna meioh, sakura haruno, sei satou

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HUFFLEPUFF COMMON ROOM - Jedi masterofpuns September 1 2010, 04:52:27 UTC
The din within the common room was enough to try anyone's nerves, and Jacen was taking several breaths to focus himself, so that he could concentrate on the conversation that the gathered Jedi apprentices were having. They were pressed against a wall, displaced from the general hubbub in the center of the room, where people were attempting to do headcounts, and generally having a difficult time given all the commotion ( ... )


HUFFLEPUFF COMMON ROOM - Jedi heirtostay September 1 2010, 05:20:08 UTC
The commotion did not bother Tenel Ka, who probably could have been in the middle of a blizzard and only mildly perturbed. She leaned against the wall close to Jacen, hand resting on her lightsaber - just in case, of course - and for the time being was content to listen to the others speak, not yet finding a need to interject.

Until the windows exploded, of course.

It was a matter of instinct, unclipping her weapon and thumbing it on with that familiar snap-hiss. By the time Jacen turned back to the group, she was already standing ready, face set.

"The wards have not held," she stated. "They will be here momentarily, I believe, and we are of more use out there than in here."


HUFFLEPUFF COMMON ROOM - Jedi omnomflowers September 1 2010, 06:10:24 UTC
The commotion was the least of Zekk's worries as he easily tuned it out until it was only a buzz in his ears and his mind. He leaned back against another wall, eyes closed as he opened himself to the Force, waiting. Something would happen, he could feel it. And when the wards broke...

He took a deep and calming breath, his lightsaber in his hand immediately as his eyes opened and he glanced over his friends.

"Tenel Ka is right. One of the other students can put up a barrier and hold down the fort," Zekk spoke slowly, mouth twitching into a frown. "We should stick in pairs."


Re: HUFFLEPUFF COMMON ROOM - Jedi abovetwinsuns September 1 2010, 07:38:49 UTC
Jaina ducked down instinctively at the sound of the shattering glass, taking a step next to Zekk's side in a movement that had once been habit as she stood against his back, her hand sliding to grab and ignite her lightsaber. She bit into her lip as her eyes scanned the area, taking a deep breath and opening her sense to the Force as violet light sprung forth.

"Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath, before turning to face Tenel Ka and Jacen and speaking in a clearer voice, "Never was that great with them anyway."

Jaina turned, withdrawing her wand in her other hand. "Pairs work." She sent a meaningful look at her brother. If anything were to happen to him...

...well, she'd know.


masterofpuns September 1 2010, 14:48:01 UTC
Jacen's hand hadn't moved to his weapon at the initial crash, but it began a slow creep there as the others rapidly spoke: though for another reason entirely. He didn't notice the look Jaina was throwing him, though he could feel it.

"Do you sense that?" he asked, in a low tone designed to be heard only by his comrades. His eyes snapped back towards them all, even as his fingers curled around the hilt of his saber. "That's not just Inferi out there."

It caught up to him what they were saying about pairs, and his instincts were immediately that he'd be going with Jaina: but then he remembered that Tenel Ka was back, and his gaze shot towards her. He gave her a curt nod that translated to 'I'm with you'.


LMAO WHICH ONE OF THEM CAN BRING UP THE MIND MELD? heirtostay September 1 2010, 19:41:36 UTC
Tenel Ka closed her eyes for a moment as her friends spoke, opening herself up to the Force a beat or two after them; as always, her first instinct was for the physical over the magical. Reaching out with her senses, she nodded slowly in agreement.

"There are humans. Most likely those who have raised the Inferi. They will be stronger if those directing them are present."

Her eyes slid sideways to Jacen at the same time he shot a look at her, with the mention of pairs, and she inclined her head again in silent agreement. To clarify, however, she spoke aloud. "Jacen and I, and Jaina and Zekk; is this acceptable?"


UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH omnomflowers September 1 2010, 19:58:23 UTC
Zekk waited a moment, glancing between Tenel Ka and Jacen before nodding at his friend's suggestion. "It would make sense," he agreed, finally dragging his gaze over to Jaina and offering up a half-smile. If she didn't want to be paired up with him, he'd understand. They might have sort of put the recent incident behind them, but that didn't make things any less awkward.

"If they are the ones who are in control of the Inferi, we need to take them out first. Maybe without their leaders..." Zekk frowned, moving to tighten his hair back before flicking his lightsaber on, the familiar snaphiss loud to him.


NINJA TAGS abovetwinsuns September 1 2010, 20:12:32 UTC
Although the look was guarded, Jaina returned the half smile, tucking some hair behind her ear, "Like old times, right?"

She stared levelly at Tenel Ka and her brother, the smile vanishing as a thoughtful frown took its place. Gone was the student, replaced by a somewhat hardened Jedi Knight in training, "Right. The leaders are obviously going to be skilled magic users, not to mention the fact that they have their own personal shield of corpses."

Jaina rolled her shoulders, and there was the slightest hint of pain to her voice when she spoke, "The best option is the battle meld that Ani-" she swallowed, "That we used at Myrkr." She looked at Zekk for a moment, "That way we can keep tabs on each other when we separate and also be able to perceive our surroundings more effectively."


Such appropriate keywords Jasa has. masterofpuns September 2 2010, 03:49:01 UTC
Jacen's own shoulders tensed up ever so slightly at Jaina's near slip. His eyes narrowed a bit at the thought of revisiting the meld that they'd all been a part of when he and Jaina had lost their brother. And his jaw set as he felt hyper-aware of Tenel Ka at his elbow, remembering what had happened when he...

But the screams and sobs of other students around them rang all too clearly still, and as his gaze swept over the determined faces of his friends, he knew that they, unlike many here, were able to take on this particular challenge. So they had to take whatever edge they could to make certain that they succeeded.

"Jaina's right," he said, keeping his voice as level as possible, and locking eyes with her. "It'll save us time and trouble."

"Let's do this."


BAAAAAAAAW heirtostay September 2 2010, 03:57:01 UTC
Tenel Ka's blink lasted only a second longer at the mention of Anakin, before she opened her eyes again.

"This is a fact," she said shortly. The idea of once again merging minds with this particular group of people did not bother her; there was no part of her that she would not willingly share with them regardless, and anything that might once have been secret had long ago been brought to light.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jacen's jaw set, and wondered if perhaps he didn't share a similar sentiment on the matter. He had agreed, however, and she had not reason to suspect he had any further issue with the idea, so she spoke again.

"I am ready when you are, my friends."


8( omnomflowers September 2 2010, 04:25:50 UTC
"Yeah. Old times." If only.

And then Jaina had to slip up, had to mention Anakin's name, and a sharp pain spread through Zekk, though he kept his face as completely neutral as possible. He looked back at Jaina as she stared at him, registering exactly what it was that she wanted to do.

Part of him, a small part that he quickly forced into a dark corner where things stopped existing, wanted to deny this suggestion. He took a deep breath, nodding again in that silent way of his, eyes still on Jaina.

"I agree. We will have a better chance of surviving and protecting each other." Because they had already lost too much that couldn't be gained back, and so whatever he was feeling, it didn't matter as much as they did, and it didn't matter as much as protecting the school.


ARDEN THAT IS THE WORST EVER D8 abovetwinsuns September 2 2010, 04:33:10 UTC
The heavy feeling that had been slowly growing within her ever since Jaina's mother had posted that journal seemed to cement at the reality of opening herself up to the mindmeld again. It wasn't something she was entirely ready for. Not when it was just a noticeable reminder of how much their numbers had been reduced since the last time they had used it.

Jaina exhaled, slowly, trying to keep herself together. To do her duty as a soon to be Jedi Knight.

"Either of you get hurt while I'm not there and you'll never hear the end of it," she warned, unable to meet Jacen in the eyes as she let go of her inhibitions and surrendered her mind to the Force, opening herself to her twin, Zekk, and Tenel Ka. The Battle Meld didn't allow for there to be any secrets or hidden emotions, and she hated that they would see her worry.


I TRY :'D masterofpuns September 2 2010, 04:45:10 UTC
With the realization that this would be the first time he was so close emotionally to Jaina in a long time beginning to sink in, Jacen calmed himself enough to ease into the series of deep breaths. He stretched out his mind and senses to the familiar Force signatures around him, bringing his own thoughts, feelings, concerns, and anxieties into line with theirs.

It was an overwhelming sensation for the chaotic moment before the meld would really click in. But he could feel them tightly intertwine, and held the eyes of the others there, as he nodded towards the exit.

We need to move quickly.


ASSHOLE /breaks up the angst heirtostay September 2 2010, 05:01:46 UTC
"Likewise." It was Jaina that Tenel Ka responded to, but she spoke to Zekk as well.

She waited patiently until her friends had calmed themselves sufficiently before she opened herself more fully to the Force and their minds. Unlike with the others, it was not difficult for her to come to terms with what the Battle Meld entailed, and even less so for her to prepare herself. She accepted her own thoughts and feelings and as such, she accepted there with relative ease when they came to her.

Not that relative in comparison to the other was all that impressive. She paused for a moment, drawing a deep breath to centre herself as there were four where there had previously only been one.

Fact, she agreed silently, not without a quiet tinge of amusement. She had always thought she was meant to be the one who stated the obvious.


THIS IS AN ANGST FEST, OKAY? VIBE-RUINER omnomflowers September 2 2010, 05:24:07 UTC
Zekk followed suit, maybe hesitant with doing this, but allowing himself to be open to the Force, and as a result, to his friends as well. And there was awareness and pain that was not his own melding with him, emotions and thoughts that were joining with his now.

Which meant that everything that was part of him was now part of them. All his own thoughts, feelings, worries, now theirs to share.

He avoided looking at Jaina for the moment, shifting his feet so that he was pointed towards the door, ready to go. See you two soon.


LOL YOU SAID VIBE abovetwinsuns September 2 2010, 05:29:06 UTC
Jaina took a sharp inhale of breath as soon as the combined emotions of the others mixed with her own, one in particular hitting her like a sledgehammer.


She had suspected, but to actually experience it was another matter, and Jaina had to force herself to shove the feelings away. The safety of the school took priority to...

She shook her head, and looked at him. Not surprised to see Zekk staring at the ground.

We'll take the dungeons. We're more familiar with them. She thought finally, copying Zekk and glaring at the floor with confusion.


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