on an island in the sun

Aug 22, 2010 12:41

WHO: Vanille; Quicklog - Open
LOCATION: Outside around the animals!
WEEK: 64
TIME: Saturday, post- journal
WHAT: Vanille + bbs + animals + cupcakes

[Vanille is standing outside her cottage of {something gay here} setting up baskets of treats for the various animals.

She hadn't expected so many volunteers for help, and it has put her in a really good mood, even though she is still mad at Fang for not fixing the fence when she asked, which would have made all of this totally unnecessary.

But she can't be too mad, since no one got hurt, and it's given her an excuse to bake lots of cupcakes and have people over!]

❧utena tenjou, ❧miakis farfallas, kairi sable, ❧sora griffith, ❧alma beoulve, ❧pacifica casull, vanille dia, hope estheim, !open, yuiko hawatari, ❧cynthia camilla

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