
Jul 30, 2010 23:09

WHO: Rinoa Heartilly and Kadaj Sorel [CLOSED].
LOCATION: Astronomy Tower.
WEEK: 63
TIME: Friday night.
WHAT: First date!
RATING: PG or maybe PG-13.

caaaan you feeeeel the love toniiiiight? )

kadaj sorel, rinoa heartilly

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starlithysteria July 31 2010, 15:22:01 UTC
Hey, hey, Rinoa had a very busy afternoon of getting roofied. It didn't matter that Mulan was just looking out for her best interest... because once Rinoa came to she assumed that some Muggleborn was to blame (just like everything else that was wrong in this school). Normally she would have spent some time picking out a cute outfit and dolling herself up, because even if this wasn't a date with a dude that she was seriously wanting to have a relationship with, it was still a date and there for it called for her to be pretty! But, she was still a little dazed from whatever sleeping drought that had been slipped in her tea, so she just showed up wearing the casual clothing she had put on after classes were over with, which was little more than a tanktop and denim shorts.

People were insisting that she was acting strangely because of whatever happened to the school, but Rinoa refused to accept it. Although she did notice a change in others, like how Angelo was a fuffly Maine Coon cat now, and also she did notice a difference in her date. She knew that Angelo was a victim to whatever magical mishap spread over the school, but she didn't blame Kadajs change on that. It just seemed to her like he finally decided to stop messing around with her and not be a jerk to her anymore. He owned up to it and apologized and she was just going to take advantage of his better attitude instead of be wary of his sudden change of heart. She'd even decided to drop her plans for sugarcoated revenge against him.

On her way to the Astronomy Tower, Rinoa had caught sight of the time (somewhere) and began to pick up her pace because she realized she was late. Wah. Five minutes later, she ran into view and then slowed down to walk the rest of the way toward Kadaj. "I'm here!" She held her arms up and out at her sides as she announced her arrival.


adventumangelus August 1 2010, 14:29:20 UTC
Kadaj had no idea why he had been such a jerk to Rinoa before when she had been nothing but nice to him...sorta. He did regret his behavior though, other than the fact that somehow being a jerk equaled getting a date with a cute girl. He couldn't complain about the results at all, and he was determined to show her a good time so that he didn't ruin his chances of anything else. Kadaj wasn't sleazy, but he wasn't going to argue if Rinoa wanted anyone else. She was a pretty girl after all, and he was a normal teenage guy.

It was a welcome relief to hear her voice, and he turned around to wave casually. "I'm glad you could make it." His posture and tone was nonchalant, but his eyes had lit up a little. "Come on." He motioned to her with his hand and began to head up the stairs, ignoring the urge to run up and walked. He wouldn't have minded but he wasn't sure if Rinoa wanted to get all sweaty.

A sweaty Rinoa sounded kind of hot.

But he kept that to himself! "I never asked you what you're into."


starlithysteria August 1 2010, 15:16:35 UTC
Yeah, how Rinoa could put up with a guy being so mean to her and still want to be friends with him should probably be considered a mystery of the universe. But, she's pretty good at handling grumpy and standoffish people in general and up until recently she didn't seem to not like anyone. Lately though, the only people she had no tolerance to deal with was Muggleborns, which is something she remembers always being true and any memories that could have proven otherwise have just simply been forgotten.

She didn't return the wave, but did follow him up the stairs. And for the record he was correct on both counts. Rinoa would have been unhappy to be all sweaty, and she would have been hot. That's why you get sweaty isn't it?

"I'm into a lot of stuff. So unless you want to spend the next couple days just listening to me talk... you might want to be a little more specific than that."


adventumangelus August 2 2010, 20:57:51 UTC
Kadaj reached the top of the tower and held the door open for her. It was rude to just shut the door in someone's face. He glanced over his shoulder and went over to one of the large windows, that was more like an archway than a window.

"I mean what are your hobbies? What do you find interesting and fun?" He shrugged offhandedly, trying hard to appear casual. It was more of a challenge than he previously thought.


starlithysteria August 2 2010, 22:04:09 UTC
She stepped through the door with her smile a little wider. "Why... thank you sir." Once inside, she went over to the large window next to the one that Kadaj stood in front of. She leaned in close to look out at the view, and did spare him a glance when he asked her about what she liked, but soon she was looking back out at the night sky.

"I like flying and playing Quidditch. I also read lots of books... mostly fiction, romances, fairy tales, myths... stuff like that. Dancing is fun, and I've been wanting to learn more ballroom dances, but right now I only know how to waltz." She tilted her head to think, and then grinned a little before she spoke again. "I enjoy listening to upbeat music... probably because I like to dance, but sometimes I like just listening to a piano or a violin playing."

There was a short pause before she giggled, and she was obviously amused as she went on. "My birthday is March 3rd. I'm a Pisces... blood type B+. I've never been to the Hidden Pool, but I've heard other people talk about it and I'd really like to go there. Hmmm. I love Bubble baths, the color Pink, Lilies, Roses and Strawberries."

After all that, she tilted her head and craned her neck back to look at him sideways. "How's that?"


adventumangelus August 5 2010, 04:07:52 UTC
Kadaj shot her a little wry smirk, letting the door shut behind them. With Rinoa looking at the stars there was little to stop him, and soon he followed her gaze to look out.

"Oh yeah. Quidditch is the best. I think it would be great to play professional, but everyone wants that..." Romance and fairy tales huh? Not very surprising, and not his thing, but whatever made her happy. Kadaj rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed grin. "I can't dance. But I like music!"

Kadaj glanced over at her with a vague curiosity. "So you're into all that Astrology stuff? I bet I could take you to the Hidden Pool." Take her there and get to see her in a swimsuit. Or was Rinoa more of the skinnydipping type? He quickly snapped out of that daydream when she turned her attention to him, and gave her a faint smirk. "That was nice."


starlithysteria August 5 2010, 11:39:59 UTC
"I don't want to play professionally." At first it came out like Rinoa just wanted to argue, but a moment later, she added with a shrug. "I don't think it would be as much fun if it became my 'job', you know what I mean?"

She turned to face him, putting her side toward the window and her hands behind the small of her back. "I could always show you how to dance. It's not difficult," In her opinion, "It just takes some practice is all."

"I like stars, but I wouldn't say that I'm into Astrology stuff." She glanced downward and one foot slid against the ground as she watched it. "I like it just fine, but I never really studied it... except for when it dealt with Divination." Her eyes stayed lowered, but her smile did get a little wider when she spoke again. "Really... you'd take me there? I'd really like that."

When she looked back at him, it was just before he came out of that daydream, and her head tilted curiously at him again. "What was nice? The Hidden Pool?"


adventumangelus August 5 2010, 23:34:27 UTC
"I didn't mean you, but--" Kadaj paused and returned the shrug, leaning out the window a little. "Yeah, I guess so. Just seems cool to me."

Kadaj grinned and tries looking confident, wanting very much not to appear more embarrassed. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't really want to learn." Not from a girl he liked and wanted to impress by any means.

"I like stars too." His eyes brightened. "A lot of times, I want to go there. I want to see what's past this world. I bet there's magic out there too. Don't you think?" Here was his chance...to either make a complete idiot out of himself or get her to like him more! "I'll take you sometime, okay? I have a talent of finding hard to find things."

Kadaj nodded his head quickly. "Uh...yeah. Real nice." Sure.


starlithysteria August 5 2010, 23:58:08 UTC
She grinned a little. "I know that you didn't mean me, but you did say everyone. So I was just saying that so that you'd know that not everyone feels that way."

"Awwwwww." She said in that way that gave away that she was about to tease someone. "But dancing is fun," She held out her arms to gesture at herself as she added, "And you'd have me for a dance partner. Eh?"

Her head tilted at him again, and a soft smile slowly hiked up the corners of her mouth. "It's nice hearing you talk like that. About stars and magic and... stuff." That had nothing to do with destruction, mayhem and death. She was starting to forget about how she used to think he was morbid and horrible to her.

"I'll hold you to that." She wagged a finger at him and stepped closer before she held out her hand to him. "It's a promise. You'll take me to the Hidden Pool, and if you're good, I'll give you a reward."


adventumangelus August 6 2010, 01:42:28 UTC
"Yeah but you seem intellectual and stuff. I guess I thought you'd be more into...well, stuff like the things you said." He smirked, but that smirk was quick to fade. Why did girls always feel the need to tease and make him look like an idiot? "Tempting..."

"No!" Despite the fact that he had no idea why it was making Rinoa so happy, he found himself smiling too. "Uh...thanks." He didn't see why it was so different. Sure he didn't talk about it, but he wasn't one of those emo people.

He could forget the teasing now that she was making up for it. "Are you going to tell me this reward now, or do I have to wait?"


starlithysteria August 6 2010, 02:05:25 UTC
Rinoa stood a little taller and looked like she was glowing when he said she seemed intellectual. She was so prone to being emotional, her temper easily thrown in serious arguments... it wasn't often that anyone told her that sort of thing. Flattery wasn't a lost cause on her at all, so long as a person understood what to say and when to not play it up too much, but that's only because she did kind of shy away from people that were too forward. But saying she was smart! Kadaj just earned himself a hundred relationship points! ♥

She didn't mean to make him look like an idiot. She just wanted him to do something, and teasing and flirting was how she usually went about doing that. But if he really didn't want to learn how to dance, she'd just pout a little and move on. If the occasion ever arose that she could drag him out onto a dance floor... this topic would be brought up again, and she would try harder to be more persuasive!

"Hmmmm." She turned her head away, almost shyly and narrowed her eyes at him like she was debating if he was worthy of knowing what his reward might be. "No. But if you're good tonight I might give you a reward... so you don't have to wait if you don't want to." Meaning... he won't have to wait if he's good to her 'now', because she's not really that interested in the waiting either.


adventumangelus August 8 2010, 15:47:36 UTC
The change in demeanor didn't go unnoticed. Had Kadaj known just how much the compliment affected her, he would have congratulated himself. Of course he had meant it, but it didn't hurt that it benefited him in the process. He knew that Rinoa seemed happy, and hadn't reacted in an angry manner, so that had been good enough for him. It also meant she valued intelligence on some level...which was a lot more interesting than someone who was just focused on looks all the time.

He tried not to look too grateful when she dropped the dancing subject. He didn't want to encourage her to try more. For now, he was safe.

Folding his arms, he tilted his head to the side and grinned playfully. "I'll have to behave then." Granted, he would have welcomed any reward right now, but he could wait a little too if it meant she was happy and he had a chance.


starlithysteria August 8 2010, 17:17:10 UTC
She pursed her lips, tilted her head and glanced sideways at the stars above. Briefly she had the urge to joke that he didn't have to behave too much, but then she remembered all the weird things he used to say, and she didn't want him to relapse.

"So ..." Her head moved so that she was looking at him again, but she turned her body back toward the window. "Since you like stars. Tell me something interesting about them." She brought her hands in closer, lacing her fingers between each other and holding them down in front of her. Rinoa sort of rolled her weight onto the back of her feet and pressed her cheek against her shoulder as she looked at him. "Or something interesting about you."


adventumangelus August 9 2010, 00:29:15 UTC
Kadaj pressed his hands against the ledge of the window and began to sway back and forth. "Where do I begin... stars are unique to eachother. They're so powerful but sometimes that gets the better of them, yet despite that they continue on. I like them because they're pure. I think so." Blink blink. "Oh, you wanted something interesting about me?" That was harder. "Have you ever been freerunning?"


starlithysteria August 9 2010, 00:41:00 UTC
Rinoa made a small thoughtful humming sound and looked out at the stars. "And here... all I thought was how pretty they looked. But I can see what you mean about them being unique... but pure?" She squinted her eyes, trying to look harder at the flecks of light in the night sky.

She didn't look back at him and as her eyes stared out at the stars, she shrugged lightly. "I don't even know what freerunning is." Freestyling, sure. But freerunning... not so much. "What on earth is that?"


adventumangelus August 12 2010, 02:32:27 UTC
"They don't have bias. They're more powerful than any wizard and they have more clarity than any of us. That's what makes them pure." Kadaj shrugged flippantly, but as soon as she asked about freerunning he was grinning at her. "It's making the most out of the urban environment!"


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