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HUFFLEPUFF TABLE hdmaster_cid August 18 2008, 22:36:33 UTC
Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE angelwand August 19 2008, 11:57:51 UTC
Chaos in the form of Vash the Stampede and his feline cat was already unfolding at the Hufflepuff table.

From the casual observer, it would see like both boy and cat were hunting donuts, and in a dire race to be the first to get there. The donuts were a tricky thing, after all. As food came up from the kitchens, you could never expect where exactly it would pop up. And while everyone should have gotten the same things, Vash had a sneaking suspicion the moggles actually catered to the typical tastes of each given house.

If the donuts turned up on another table, Vash was going to beg, cry, or find a way to steal them. Quite possibly all three.

Kuroneko already gave up the chase, making a fat toned "Nya" and settling into a plate of eclairs.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE auraneverpinker August 20 2008, 22:45:06 UTC
Ty Lee nearly jumped out of her seat when a black cat leaped onto the plate of desserts she was reaching out towards. "Eww! There's fur on the elcairs now!" she said, lifting the cat off and settling it in her lap. Her direction glanced around the table, trying to find the owner of the cat. She was pretty sure it was a fellow Hufflepuff's, having seen Kuroneko in common room before. When her eyes landed on the older blond wildly searching about the table for something, she held the cat up. "Excuse me? Is this yours?" she asked.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE angelwand August 21 2008, 01:14:49 UTC
"Ahahahahahaha! I'm afraid so. Sorry about that" Vash moved to take him, only to get his hand thoroughly clawed as the cat hopped off and out of sight.

"Darn..... have you seen the donuts come up yet?" He asked, still looking around like a lost soul.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE auraneverpinker August 21 2008, 01:44:41 UTC
Ty Lee blinked after the cat, "Does he do that often?" he asked, turning to then blink at its owner in confusion.

The blond... 7th year, wasn't it? Whatever he was, he seemed very frantic about his donuts. "No, but there's eclairs right here!" she said, trying to help out by holding the plate out. Then her face drooped into a pout, "Only your cat got hairs on it." It was really too bad, Ty Lee thought they had looked delicious.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE angelwand August 21 2008, 01:52:13 UTC
"Ah, yeah. He gets in a mood sometimes" Vash admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. He brigtened when he saw the eclairs.

"Haha! Well, he sleeps on my face so I dont even wanna know how much of his hair I eat that way" Vash replied, taking the top one and dusting off the hair before digging in. "He had a bath this morning, too" He replied, mouth full.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE auraneverpinker August 21 2008, 01:59:34 UTC
A face of disgust crossed Ty Lee's face as Vash ate the hairy eclair. "Can't you suffocate that way?" she asked, eyes going wide. While she waited for him to answer she put the plate of elcairs down and took one just for herself. Then she proceeded to pick black hairs off one at a time. It took 10 till she gave up, pouting at the tasty dessert. It was probably better that way anyways, surely it would go right to her hips and she did want to be able to get her broom up for Quidditch.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE avis_elemental August 21 2008, 13:40:35 UTC
"You know, there's a way to get all the hair off." Aang chirped in from his seat across from Ty Lee. He smiled cheerfully before pulling out his wand. This was the perfect opportunity to test that one air spell he had read about in his charms book; it was supposed to work like a mini whirlwind. Aand figured it would work to just blow off all of the hairs.

He took a deep breath and muttered the incantation, wand pointed at Ty Lee's eclair. It seemed, however, that the spell was a bit over-zealous considering he had just blown the eclair off of Ty Lee's plate (narrowly missing Ty Lee and several other students) and straight into the far wall. "Heh heh....oops."


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE angelwand August 22 2008, 16:28:55 UTC
"Well, that was impressive" Vash remarked, a grin creeping across his face, after swallowing his food.


Re: HUFFLEPUFF TABLE auraneverpinker August 25 2008, 03:02:24 UTC
"Wow!" Ty Lee said, also quite impressed. However, her attention had now been directed to a person very close to where it had landed upon the wall by the Slytherin table. "I'm going to see if another table has anything good we don't!" she said, standing up. "I'll try and find those donuts for you too!" And with that, she was off.


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