It appears there is a time for studying.

Nov 16, 2008 14:40

Name(s): Touya, Maya, Yukito, open to anyone who wants to come in and study
Location: Random empty classroom.
Day: 12
Time: After dinner
Rating: PG

cut subject )

❧yumichika ayasegawa, ❧touya kinomoto, ❧maya fey

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smilingsilver November 16 2008, 04:07:00 UTC
Yukito walked into the room, hauling a huge bag full of books. He'd almost dropped them three times on the way here from the Hufflepuff common room, but he finally made it, panting a little. He smiled when he saw that Touya was already here, and was happy that Maya hadn't quite made it yet...though he didn't really know why ( ... )


fey_mysticism November 16 2008, 04:24:42 UTC
Maya was, well, running late. She'd gotten a stain on her robes at dinner, and it just wouldn't have done to walk around like that. After all, people had been nice to ask them to study with her! The least she could do was look presentable. After that, she'd managed to grab her books and practically run to the classroom where she was directed.

"Sorry I'm late!" Maya said, shuffling quickly into the classroom and putting her books on a desk of her own. "Stuff happened - some weird sauce or something got on my robes. But anyway..." She huffed and sat down in a chair. "Hi!"


hazy_peachsmoke November 16 2008, 04:30:39 UTC
Touya started to say "...No," to Yuki, when Maya came in.

Sitting down, Touya spread out all of his work on the desks.

"So...where were you up to?"

He pulled out his Charms books and opened it to a page, studying to copy it down.

He stuck a chair out into the front of the room as a sort of practice dummy.


smilingsilver November 16 2008, 04:52:40 UTC
Yukito was still smiling when Maya came in. "So, what are we here to help you with?" He gestured vaguely at all his books, hoping she had something particular in mind. They could be here a while if it was a general review.

"If you're having problems with something specific, we can give you much better advice," he clarified, for fear he'd been too blunt.


fey_mysticism November 16 2008, 04:56:42 UTC
Maya returned the smile, then let her eyes scan his books. "Uhm..." Her brow furrowed slightly, and she turned to her own, even though she assumed that they were basically the same, them being in the same year and whatnot. Her eyes landed on her Herbology textbook and she pulled it out from her pile.

"I'm not doing very well in Herbology," she confessed sheepishly, now digging in her bag for the notes she took. "Is that okay?"


hazy_peachsmoke November 16 2008, 05:04:42 UTC
Touya grunted.

"That's my best subject, actually. Which parts in particular?"


smilingsilver November 16 2008, 05:13:20 UTC
Yukito waited to speak, so that Maya could respond to Touya without him interrupting. Instead, he dug through his pile for his Herbology textbook, as well as the couple extra books he had that were a great help when he and Touya were studying.


fey_mysticism November 16 2008, 05:19:42 UTC
"...Everything?" Maya tried, biting her lip and shrinking in her seat slightly. Trouble indeed. "Well, basically just everything from that last couple of classes, or so." She took her notes and smoothed them out on her desk. Things like that tended to get crinkled in her bag. "I've got the rest of it. Well, pretty much."


suchaprettyme November 16 2008, 18:19:17 UTC
Yumichika was wandering the halls, trying to think of something to do. Ikkaku was off somewhere either doing something only a silly Gryffindor would do, or spending time with his Ravenclaw lady-friend. He had nothing against Quistis, really, except that she insisted on wearing those glasses when she was much prettier without them. He was just sometimes a bit sad that he got to see Ikkaku less and less each day. But his friend was happy, and that was what really mattered.

Lost in thought as he was, he did not notice the three Hufflepuffs in the empty classroom as he paused outside it. Until, that is, mention of Herbology penetrated his thoughts.

"Oh!" Yumichika said, stepping into the room and smiling at his housemates. "I apologize for intruding, but did I just hear you say you are having trouble in Herbology?" he asked. "I could help you study, if you like. Bad grades are ugly, after all."


hazy_peachsmoke November 17 2008, 01:46:05 UTC
Touya looked up when Yumichika entered the room, almost half-scowling. He didn't not like Yumichika, but...Herbology was his subject, goddamit, and he'd worked hard at it. Yumichika just seemed to have a natural talent --

He slumped, rifling endlessly through the Herbology pages.

"Sure, sure, come on in..."

Swishing his wand at the lone chair, he Transfigured it into a pincushion and then into a cactus to get rid of the irritation.


smilingsilver November 17 2008, 01:51:42 UTC
Yukito stepped closer to Touya, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling warmly. "Feel free to help, Yumichika," he answered. "I guess we should start with Wednesday's class, then?" he inquired of Maya.


fey_mysticism November 17 2008, 02:01:14 UTC
"Okay!" Maya replied cheerfully, smiling once more and raising a hand to wave at Yumichika. Then, she started to shuffle through her notes once more... where were the ones from Wednesday? Her smile slowly changing into a frown, she picked up her book off of the desk and flipped through the pages - aha, there they were. Written in pink pen and everything.


suchaprettyme November 17 2008, 03:02:21 UTC
Yumichika raised an eyebrow at Touya's less than enthusiastic greeting, but nodded a hello to the other boy. He smiled at Yukito's more polite reaction to his presence, and turned to Maya, waving back at the girl.

"Let's get to it!" he said, clapping his hands together. "This should be fun!"


hazy_peachsmoke November 18 2008, 01:17:59 UTC
Touya humphed.

Why does responsibility always fall on me?

Getting out of his seat, he wandered over to the chair-turned-pincushion-turned cactus.

"Alright, so we'll do the practical part first."

He Transfigured the cactus into a small seedling, flicking his wand and turning back.

"So basically, what we did in class was to enchant these seedlings to grow so high and no higher, but -- and this is the hard part -- all of these seedlings are in pretty bad nutrients, and also are rarely watered. Moreover, they're magical, so they resist spells."

He walked back to his seat, moving the books aside until he could find his notes.

"The key thing is, though, that it's not just one spell. It's a series of spells, cast in sequence and with care, that makes it grow. Here: you try."


smilingsilver November 18 2008, 01:58:52 UTC
Yukito pulled his own wand from his robes, ready to show Maya more specifically any of the spells that she couldn't quite grasp. He'd gotten them on his first try, and had given Touya a little help.

"Let me know if you don't remember any of them," he said cheerfully. He hoped that having so many of them in one place wouldn't make this harder, as Yumichika had a habit of stepping in and interrupting things.


fey_mysticism November 18 2008, 02:07:12 UTC
Taking a deep breath, Maya rose from her seat in preparation for the spell. She reached into her robes and brought out her wand, and focused on the plant in front of her. She started to cast one of the enchantments, but... oh yeah, she realized that she needed to look at her notes. Taking a quick peek, she started. It appeared she was doing well until about midway through when the plant appeared to shrivel slightly.

"Oh no!" Maya said, breaking focus. "What did I do?"


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