Class Log

May 31, 2010 12:50


How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labeled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go hereIf you find that events are carried out in the ( Read more... )

kaoru hitachiin, !ooc log, james kirk, hope estheim, !open, ❧uncle chan, thomas raith, !class, ❧xerxes break, lightning farron, ❧lulu draupnir, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, harry dresden, lucy heartphilia, ❧usagi tsukino, bridget guisbourne, ❧elizabeth middleford, luke fon fabre, naoto shirogane, ❧galatea godeye

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Elemental Magic belteddress June 3 2010, 00:57:15 UTC
Yeah, I bet you missed this sexy motherfucker.


Years 3-5 belteddress June 3 2010, 01:07:55 UTC
Ladies and gentlemen, we are traveling to the Forbidden Forest today. The report from last week on the nature of Ochus will serve you well. If you didn't do it, in addition to getting a failed mark on that assignment, you'll be getting half points for this upcoming one, and the full force of Lulu's withering stare.

Five or more minutes late and you will be losing points. And you better pray someone from a previous period told you where the class was being held today because Lulu and her class will not be in the normal classroom. :|

The group will be traveling pretty deep in the forest to find our friends, the Ochus. Mind your footing. There are noises from above, further ahead. Lulu warns that Ochus normally drop from treetops, and -- oh look, there is one, probably falling near a student who walked too far ahead.

What will you do, intrepid travelers?


Re: Years 3-5 notthatharry June 3 2010, 02:26:18 UTC
It isn't so much that Harry was walking far ahead, indeed he was closer to the back, as the fact that he has insanely horrible luck.

Fortunately his standard policy of kill it with fire seems to work out this time, although in the process flaming bits of Ochus manage to set his robes on fire.


not_a_dreck June 4 2010, 00:46:34 UTC
Not to pleased about all this mucking about in the dirt and bugs. Grumbling a little as they trudge through the grass and mud. Dammit his shows are getting all dirty... wait what did she about trees?

Tenses when hears a creature snarl and a spell being shouted. Looks over to find his roommate lighting a flame. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!

Wait, he knows this one! He can fix it! Takes his wand out... what was that spell again? Ah right! Water spell! He's fixing it and practically knocking Harry over with a over zealous water spell.

Sorry the water is pretty cold to and might of frosted some of your clothes...


thedancingedge June 4 2010, 00:51:11 UTC
Tao made sure to stick close to a couple of other students, mainly because the Professor had emphasized the importance of the last lesson and, well, Tao had just transferred in and hadn't been there for it.

Looking around, she didn't spot any of the strange creatures, but when one of them dropped on the boy next to her, she jumped to the side, claws out. Hissing, Tao had been about ready to swat at it when Harry set it on fire. But that didn't exactly do much, since now he was on fire!

Oh no! Tao jumped back, but not in time to avoid getting splashed with the water. Her ears drooped, as did her tail, as she started flailing about trying to get the water off herself. "No! Get it off. Tao hates water." It was so wet and icky, and BAM. Tao pummeled right into Luke.


not_a_dreck June 4 2010, 02:51:05 UTC
Oh, great! Who's screaming now?! Fire is out, shouldn't people be calming down and saying thanks? Geez, so ungrateful and what is that weird new girl doing?! "Oi, relax it's just a little wat- ACK!" Hits the dirt under the flailing and damp new girl.

"O-ow! Ow! Will you calm down and GET OFF ME!" He growls up at her and flails a little as well, glaring and letting out another growl when one of her ears on her hat twitches against his nose.


thedancingedge June 4 2010, 03:20:57 UTC
I am not so sure that a thank you is appropriate, not from Tao at least. Water is evil, and that stupid spell splashed her. Not that she knows that it came from Luke, but still, this is bad, and you should feel bad.

Tao, after the panic attack, sits up atop Luke. sHe doesn't seem to notice that she's sitting atop him, not at first, anyway. "uhoh. Tao didn't mean to knock the Pyro over." Tao is staring at the hair. Red seems to be a popular color here.

Slips back, and standing up, she offers a paw to him. Her ears flatten against her head, and she pouts, looking a bit guilty.


not_a_dreck June 4 2010, 04:28:29 UTC
"Oi!" Barks out the complaint when she doesn't seem to notice she's on top of him. That's not a soft rock you're on new girl. Grumbles when she finally seems to notice him and narrows his eyes at that nickname. "Pyro? What the heck is that supposed to mean?!"

Okay yeah, he's made some messes in the school but he was hardly a fire starter! Grunts and sits up to tell her off some more before catching that guilt ridden look on her strangely hooded face. D-dammit, stupid girl looks like his cheagle when she does that. "Tch..." Stands up on his own and starts roughly dusting dirt off his clothing. "What did you get all worked up for? It's just water!"


thedancingedge June 4 2010, 05:08:56 UTC
Wh. What. Knock it off. He doesn't have to shout at her. It was just an accident. Tao jumps back, and lets out a soft whimper. Her shoulders slump, and her tail goes limp as she waits for him to stop.

"It's only because of the hair, meow. It looks like your head is on fire. Tao didn't mean any harm by it." Ha. The explosions would only give Tao more reason to call him Pyro. Tao watches him, moving closer to lend a paw.

".. Tao said that she was sorry, and the water, well Tao doesn't like it." Peers up at him, the shadow from the hood disappearing for but a second.


not_a_dreck June 4 2010, 05:53:29 UTC
"I-it does not!" Grouches and brings his hands to his hair, flattening the top bits when he thinks he hears snickers at his expense. Why this little! He looks to the paw like it was something offensive being handed to him before glaring back up at her to start again... that is until he saw the very human and very miserable looking face pouting up at him.

It was one thing to yell at something that looked like a stupid cheagle but now it hit him that he wasn't yelling at a creature, he was hurting the feelings of another person. D-dammit! It was for a second but it was still there and the redhead's rage seemed to frail a bit.

"Yeah, whatever... Just get-" Pauses when he hears something rattling in the trees above them. "E-eh...?" What did professor say about those trees again...? It seems to click when he hears a growl and he takes hold of the offered paw, tugging her out of the way when another Ochus drops down towards them.


thedancingedge June 4 2010, 09:10:02 UTC
Luke. Wry. Tao apologized. But still Luke continued to yell at her. Just like everybody else. It was just a little spill, too. Nothing to warrant all of this yelling.

Flinching, found herself shuffling back a couple of steps, if only to put some space between the two of them. Her shoulders sank, and her tail coiled around her leg as she let another whimper pass. Huh. Wait what.

Tao fell against Luke, repressing the urge to hiss. But it was then that she realized that something had fallen from the tree tops above. How could she have forgotten. Nevermind. Stupid question. Tao whirled around, a distinct shink sounding as she brandished her claws.


not_a_dreck June 4 2010, 09:18:52 UTC
Sorry new girl, sadly Luke never makes first good impressions. Still, he was irked with her but he was hardly going to let something maul her head. He grunts when they land and tries to see what the creature landed.

Of course the sound doesn't go unnoticed but wait... where those party of the lesson?! Ah, weak! He didn't get one of those and he came to class on time and everything! "A-ah, New girl you're supposed to use magic, not slaughter it." Staring wide eyed at the claws glinting in the sunlight. Then his gaze focuses on the creature about to attack them. Suddenly slaughter isn't sounding like a totally bad idea. "D-dammit!"


thedancingedge June 4 2010, 10:53:19 UTC
Tao doesn't know much about using Magic, but uhm. uhm. Fire spell. It sort of seemed to hate the fire, but then again, what didn't. Whatever. It was what that other student had used, and it appeared to work.

Tao fumbled for her wand, but instead of casting the spell on the creature, she cast it on her claws. With a grin, Tao leapt forward at the thing, using the scalding claws to teach that stupid thing a lesson in pain. Finished, Tao walked back over to her wand, and picking it up she replaced it into the Hoodie.

"Stupid mean 'ol creature thing, .."


belteddress June 4 2010, 11:58:36 UTC
That was an interesting, if unorthodox, method. Lulu was observing this, as she was keeping a close eye on all of her students -- the particular lesson was dangerous, after all.

"Ten points to Gryffindor..." a pause. "Tao, for skillfull use of the Enfire spell. Mr. fon Fabre, five points to Gryffindor for your somewhat botched, but well meaning, assistance to Mr. Dresden."


not_a_dreck June 5 2010, 03:03:02 UTC
"W-whahuh?" Stares in shock as her claws light a flame. We're allowed to do that? Well if he'd known that he'd of found this class a hell of a lot more interesting! ...No offense professor.

"Wow... how'd you do that?!" He starts excitedly until he hears the professor. Wait, he's earned points?! Holy- This class just keeps better better and better! "A-ah, no problem professor!"


thedancingedge June 5 2010, 23:00:30 UTC
"Meow." Wait what. Professor Draupnir wasn't upset with her, ..? Quite the opposite, in fact, because she awarded Tao some House Points. Smiling, Tao thanks the Professor. woooah! That had never happened before. This was suddenly a class that she was starting to like a lot more. the Professor included.

"Hm." Headtilt @ Luke. "Tao just used her claws." Smiling, she showed them to him. "Careful though! because they're still hot hot hot. Thank you for helping Tao not become plant food." Here! Have a hug.


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