Class Log

May 31, 2010 12:50


How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labeled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go hereIf you find that events are carried out in the ( Read more... )

kaoru hitachiin, !ooc log, james kirk, hope estheim, !open, ❧uncle chan, thomas raith, !class, ❧xerxes break, lightning farron, ❧lulu draupnir, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, harry dresden, lucy heartphilia, ❧usagi tsukino, bridget guisbourne, ❧elizabeth middleford, luke fon fabre, naoto shirogane, ❧galatea godeye

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Ancient Runes 3-5 notanape June 2 2010, 17:13:10 UTC
Holy crap where is the new professor?

Students come in and take their seats at the regularly scheduled time may notice there is no professor in the class. "Professor Bruttenholm" is written on the board.

A few minutes after the scheduled class time, a tall red-skinned demon with a top-knot and filed horns enters.

Students may react surprised or not whether its in their character.


Third Year notanape June 2 2010, 17:13:41 UTC
Fourth Year notanape June 2 2010, 17:14:09 UTC
Fifth Year notanape June 2 2010, 17:14:32 UTC
Re: Fifth Year herladysblade June 5 2010, 06:45:52 UTC
Setsuna stiffens when he comes in, what with having been raised to slay demons, but given she's a fellow half demon she quickly discerns that he's actually the teacher. From then on she is the pinnacle of formal respect.


notanape June 7 2010, 00:38:16 UTC
Hellboy is glad at least one of his students shows him some respect that isn't the result of fear. Something about her.

He pulls takes a seat on the desk in front of the class and brings out his Rune Dictionary. The assignment for today? Nothing yet. Introductions are in order.

The board says Professor Bruttenholm, but that was my father's name. Call me Hellboy, but not Mr. Boy. That just sounds dumb. Alright, class, what have you learned so far?


herladysblade June 7 2010, 21:01:27 UTC
Ironically she probably considers herself to be worse than him. In her mind being a half demon isn't really a bad thing, it's being a half demon born under a bad sign that makes you a cursed exile, so in her mind he's perfectly normal and she's a twisted freak.

She nods at his request and proceeds to call him Hellboy-sensei for the rest of eternity. She introduces herself as Setsuna Sakurazaki, and gives him a succinct summation of their lessons thus far.


Office Hours notanape June 2 2010, 17:18:43 UTC
Red is hanging out for a bit, reading some old-looking books. People excelling in the class can make out one word in the title.



HAI FRAND. LET'S TALK ANCIENT RUNES 8D the_rapturing June 6 2010, 22:23:12 UTC
Castiel notices the book Red is reading and looks at it in interest. He hasn't really studied up on demons. He looks back at Red and wonders if Red himself is a demon. "Hello," he greets, smiling cheerfully as he stands in the doorway. His hands are behind his back and he's swaying a bit. He's not sure if he should sit, if Red is busy, or what to do really.


OMG FRAAANNNNDDSSSS notanape June 7 2010, 00:43:57 UTC
Red slams the book shut, surprisingly caught off guard. "Uh.... Hi?" Hellboy watches the trench coat-clad man and raises a brow. That's a slick coat. "Something you need..." He took a moment to recall his name... but failed. "...buddy?"


WE'LL HAVE TEA PARTIES AND DRESS UP ... or maybe just talk ancient runes the_rapturing June 7 2010, 00:59:04 UTC
Castiel smiles widely. So this was the new ancient runes teacher. Perhaps he would be a better person...thing...whatever to talk to than say Dean. "I'm Castiel Novak, I teach years six and seven. I'm glad to see another professor for this subject. It was getting to be quite a handful." He's obviously batting around the bush about talking ancient runes, although he clearly does want to.


SPEAKING OF RUNES... notanape June 7 2010, 01:58:29 UTC
The guy was kind of creepy. The way he just... looked t him... with that happy little smile... beady little eyes brimming with... enthusiasm. "Yeah, I figured I'd put my skills to use here. Beats paperwork at DMAC."


CASTIEL LOVESSSSSSS HIS NEW FRAND SOOOOO MUCH. the_rapturing June 7 2010, 03:04:26 UTC
"The DMAC?" Castiel wonders, agreeing on the paperwork aspect, but not sure the origins. He's curious about the new teacher, to be certain.


WATCHING SEASON FIVE. "NO, HE'S NOT ON ANY FLATBREAD." notanape June 8 2010, 02:34:04 UTC
Hellboy sits up and nods, "Uh, yeah, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes." He paused and gave Castiel a cocky smirk. "I was one of their top cases... So interesting I was kept around to work for them for over half a century."


FFFF I'M SO BAD WITH QUOTES ;_; the_rapturing June 8 2010, 03:36:10 UTC
Castiel's head tilts in confusion. The other man...thing...didn't seem to be that old. Perhaps man...things...had longer life spans. "Oh. That's a long time. Will you be teaching here for that long?"


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