I swear I'm not spamming on purpose.

May 20, 2010 10:48

WHO: Asch and Luke
LOCATION: The hall to the Gryffindor dorms
WEEK: 58
TIME: Thursday morning-ish
WHAT: Luke suddenly disappeared during a conversation, and Asch needs to make sure he's not dead.

Asch ran down the halls as fast as he could, managing to avoid the twinkling stars that littered the halls. Just what the hell... this school got more and more ridiculous every day. Once he made sure the dreck was in one piece, he was staying in his room until this crap disappeared.

Only problem is... he needed to find out where the hell the Gryffindor dormitory was.

"Tch... why do you always have to get into trouble, dreck..." he sighed, stalking down the hallways.

luke fon fabre, asch grants

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