WHO: Nana (
playinmygarden ), Ren (
chainedlotus ), Nobu (
justcannotwin ), and Hachi (
yourfaithfulpet ).
LOCATION: Hufflepuff common room?
WEEK: 56
TIME: The night after
this post.
WHAT: Mahjong night and beer. Catching up tiemz. Possible drunken tiemz as well.
RATING: PG? Maybe PG-13 for language?
I need them just to get by. )
Ren looked up as Nana showed up. “It’s about time,” he grinned, “We were gonna start with out you and Hachiko would have lost without your help.”
"I would have helped her if she was doing that bad," Nobu spoke up, eyebrows raising as he took another quick swig of the beer. Yeah, he should work on not becoming a total fool during this game. That sounded like a good plan, a plan that would not work out well, but he could try.
"Come play with me Nana!" Not that the idea of playing with Nobu was a bad one, a tiny bit of color rising to her cheek sat the though as she glanced at her housemate. Still he was just a friend! This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Woe to all the hearts that threatened to spill out every time she looked at him. It was such a pain keeping them inside.
Nana grabbed one of the beers sitting near the windowsill and cracked it open. Taking a sip, she jumped right into the game, peeking over at Hachi's tiles every now and then, trying to help her out.
She noticed the look on Hachi's face when she looked over at Nobu. Blossomings young love? Possibly. To be honest, Nana was completely psyched about her roommate's recent infatuation with her friend. She was sure Nobu was interested in Hachi too, but getting them to admit that to each other? Now that was the problem. Maybe a few more beers would loosen them up.
"Hey Nobuo, catch," Nana said as she threw a cold beer in his direction. "That one you have right now has to be warm by now."
For some reason, he didn’t think they did.
“Alright,” Ren said, arranging a few of his tiles, “Nobu, you’re first.”
His old beer was still perfectly fine though, but he hurried to finish it up anyway.
"Yeah, sure." He looked at his tiles for a second, grabbed one of the tiles from the wall, and discarded a tile of seven characters.
Of course, she had no idea what she was doing, though at least she realized that it was her turn. Sadly she had no idea what to do, which is why she turned to Nana. Puppy dog look is now a go, "Nana?"
It was the simplest way to explain this game to her roommate. Though there was strategy involved, Nana figured that starting out with the basic stuff would be the best.
Finally her turn, Nana discarded six of her tiles. As she finished she sat back in her seat and directed her next comment to Ren. "Glad to see your wifey let you out tonight."
“Pon,” he called and took Nana’s discarded tile and put it aside with two of his own before throwing another one in the centre. That was one pair for him so far.
"Sometimes people get married after only knowing each other for a month," Nobu said absently, glancing over the tiles in his hand now. "You two are together a lot."
He pulled three tiles from his hand, pushing them to the side. "Chow." Another tile tossed into the discarded pile before he flipped the tab on his beer to open the can.
She looked at her tiles, not having a clue what was going on really. She was trying though, even if it just showed exactly how much she didn't know. Discarding one tile, she picked up another apparently at random and that was the extent of it as she looked over at Nana. She couldn't get any worse at Mahjong if she'd tried.
She looked over at Hachi, who looked like she was having trouble. "Here Hachi." Nana took a tile out of her hand and took the one Nobu had discarded. Now she had a set. She whispered to her roommate, "Say Chow."
He looked to see Nana help out Hachiko and waved it off. The girl did need some help but it was good she was still trying to learn although, Ren was thinking she was only trying because of Nana and Nobu.
He smiled at Hachi, and the help she was getting just to play. She might as well should have let Nana play for her at this rate. "Don't worry, Hachi. It takes awhile to get the hang of."
"Oh, Chow!" She crowed and then promptly turned to Nana. "What did that mean again?" Clearly, Hachi was hopeless at Mahjong.
"Oh come on, Ren. Afraid I'm gonna jinx your relationship or something?" she joked as she took her turn. Well look at that. Four of a kind. "Kong," she announced as she flipped up her set.
Nana was a little more than irritated at Nobo's comment. In fact, the grip on her beer can got just a little tighter, the sound of crinkling aluminum audible. Wasn't a girl, huh? "What gives you the impression that I'm not a girl, Nobuo?"
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