Feathers falling down like rain...

Apr 26, 2010 05:54

WHO: Anise Tatlin (greedy_duchess), Yu Kanda (cursedlotus), Kyoya Ootori (sexyshadowking), Ataru Moroboshi (phonenumberplz); OPEN
LOCATION: Slytherin Common Room
WEEK: 56
TIME: Saturday morning
WHAT: Anise accidentally makes a mess in the common room early in the morning, much to the chagrin of her fellow Slytherins.

I was just working on my homework! Really! )

ataru moroboshi, !open, ❧kyoya ootori, ❧yu kanda, ❧anise tatlin

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phonenumberplz April 27 2010, 03:46:41 UTC
Ataru went down to the Common Room. It was Saturday, so he hoped to avoid having to wake up Kyoya. The couch or a random corner work just as well as a bed. Apparently, Ataru was the only one able to face his wrath. At least that’s what his other housemates always told him.

“What the hell?” Ataru exclaimed as he noticed brightly colored feathers filling the Common Room. He soon noticed Kyoya giving a death-glare to one of the brats. He rushed to put himself between the young girl and danger.

“Run for your life, kid! You just brought doom on yourself!” Ataru exclaimed.


greedy_duchess April 27 2010, 03:58:34 UTC
Anise had been doing just fine explaining by herself, and suddenly a weird guy just planted himself in front of her. What the hell? "Hey! I'm not a kid, and I can take care of myself, you know!" she replied back, giving him one of her own glares.

Of course, all the bright feathers piled up on her hair probably didn't help with her intimidation any.


sexyshadowking April 27 2010, 04:04:34 UTC
He nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his finger.

"Really, I--"

Before he knew it, there was Ataru, saving the poor underclassman from... him? Laughable, if anything.


phonenumberplz April 27 2010, 04:21:46 UTC
Of course Ataru wanted to save the girl, even if she was being an ungrateful brat. Kyoya was dangerous when barely awake. Ataru knew this from experience.

"Maybe you could in most situations but...huh?"

Ataru started to respond to Anise, but he noticed that Kyoya seemed more rational than usual or at least amused. He hoped this wasn't the calm before the storm.


greedy_duchess April 27 2010, 10:07:46 UTC
"What?" Anise looked from one boy to another, not quite sure about the sudden change in the room. "Look, I've been trying to do something about these feathers for a while now, but nothing seems to be working!"

Behind her, a sudden shape darted out of the mess and toward Ataru's leg, sending feathers everywhere once more. "Oh, there you are, Toku."


sexyshadowking April 27 2010, 13:25:39 UTC
"While I don't mind you practicing your magic, Anise, I think that you've gotten in over your head this time. It's best that you get this cleaned up as soon as possible, before you have more aggravated Slytherins breathing down your neck. Understood?"

Kyoya stood there, arms folded across his chest, keeping his calm for as long as he could hold his imminent rage in. Though it was her fault for his rude awakening, he couldn't put too much blame on her, considering he had made the common room his bedroom the previous night.


phonenumberplz April 28 2010, 03:38:38 UTC
Ataru tried to get out of the way of the creepy doll, to let it go to its owner.It only startled him a little. Some of the feathers ended up on him.
He was afraid of saying anything to Kyoya. The guy didn't need his suggestion to go to the dorms.

"Could I keep a few of the feathers?" Ataru asked Anise. Someone back home might like the bright colors. They seemed safe so far.


greedy_duchess April 28 2010, 11:57:53 UTC
Anise couldn't help but gulp, flushing brightly in embarrassment. "Y-yes, Kyoya," she muttered. Since magic didn't seem to affect the feathers very much, she was going to have to clean it all up the Muggle-way; by hand. It was going to be a long morning. She'd be lucky if she managed to make it to lunch.

Turning to Ataru, the girl shrugged. "Sure. THey're not really mine, so..." Then she was struck with an idea. The feathers were really quite pretty, so perhaps more than one girl would pay a small price for a few of them... Suddenly, cleaning up didn't seem like such a bad idea after all.


phonenumberplz May 3 2010, 03:35:04 UTC
"Thanks," Ataru said as he gathered up an armful of feathers. He grinned at her. He was actually in a good mood.

"Kyoya, you could go to bed without worrying," he said."I could help her clean this up once I put these away."

He started to head back to the dorms.


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