sad teacher is sad (open to staff/ghosts)

Nov 04, 2008 23:28

Name(s): Shalice and Rangiku - any other staff/ghosts feel free to join.
Location: Shalice's office
Day: Day 11
Time: After dinner
Rating: PG-13, for alcohol and language.

Shalice sat in her office, slumped over her desk, head in her hands. How could no one have told her how horrible some of these students were? When she was in school, of course there had been a handful of nasty Slytherins, a jerky Ravenclaw or two, and the occasional pompous ass of a Gryffindor (somehow the Hufflepuffs were always awesome) but none quite so out-of-control and spiteful as the ones who had attended her Divination classes today.

She sighed as her stomach grumbled. She'd skipped dinner that night, preferring to sit in her office and mope. She didn't think she'd be able to eat, anyway. She'd cast a spell to make her normally bright and cheery Gryffindor-themed office a dark, gloomy, depressing place to match her mood.

The redhead shifted a little in her seat, sighing again. What exactly had gone wrong? She'd worn herself out worrying over her first class, hoping she'd be able to make it fun while still teaching. But it had all gone straight to hell, almost within the first minute.

She was so miserable, even the ancestors were leaving her alone. She hadn't the energy to force them quiet with Occlumency and mental barriers, but they seemed to be respecting her for once. For that, she was grateful. Branimus loved to gloat, and he'd been telling her all week that her methods were ridiculous and things would go badly. She had expected him to start in on her the moment she sat down. Levimenta had attempted to cheer her, but after a couple minutes of trying, she'd given up and sunk back into the recesses of Shalice's mind.

The professor folded her arms on her desk, and rested her head. She had no idea how she'd teach the next class. She'd briefly considered resigning, but she was stubborn, and besides, she'd seen some genuinely gifted students, and desperately wanted to help them. Shalice sighed once more, remembering how difficult it had been for her to control her gifts with no one to teach her. She wanted to help. She just didn't know how.

❧mia fey, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧iroh fu tsanglung

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