I'm stranded, in the sleet and the rain

Apr 23, 2010 00:52

WHO: Chiyo and Undine, quicklog
LOCATION: On the way out of school ;;
WEEK: 56
TIME: Shortly after the boggarts
WHAT: THE SADDEST THING EVER DX and ducky floaties.

don't think I'm ever gonna find home again )

❧undine deuxcouers, ❧chiyo mihama

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magicalmoebeams April 23 2010, 06:16:19 UTC
[After reading Undine's journal and pleading with her senpai - no, her friend - not to go, and being soundly rebuffed, Chiyo hatches a master plan.

This involves baking a quick batch of cupcakes (which she cannot get through without shaking and crying), donning her swimsuit, floaties, flippers, snorkel, and swim cap, and running down the hall to stop her.]

No! I made you cupcakes! You have to eat them!


hxc_matryoshka April 23 2010, 18:26:35 UTC
[don't fucking look back.]

I don't have to eat shit.

[her voice breaks, a little, but undine keeps walking, picking up her pace slightly.]


magicalmoebeams April 23 2010, 18:58:03 UTC
[Chiyo starts to run to keep up with Undine, but Chiyo sucks at running on the best of days, and today she is wearing swim flippers.

She trips and goes soaring through the air, cupcakes flying, and lands hard face first. The giraffe floaty ring around her waist pops.]

Aaaaaaaaah, senpaaaaaaaaai!


ICKY YOU ARE A MONSTER DDDDDDDDDD: hxc_matryoshka April 23 2010, 19:04:59 UTC
[undine hears the unmistakeable sound of someone running in swim flippers, tripping, soaring through the air and landing face first before being pelted by a rain of cupcakes.

and then the noise of something popping.

she pauses, winces like she's been slapped. goddamn it, she's supposed to be stronger than this. she makes a step to keep walking-]

You're a fucking clutz.

[-and undine slowly turns around and offers chiyo a hand up, pointedly not looking at her face because she knows it's probably full of tears or some shit.]


I'MAH SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY magicalmoebeams April 23 2010, 21:03:28 UTC
[The sniffles are very loud. Falling on your face hurts, but not as much as watching your best friend walk away.

Hope blooms for a moment when Undine speaks, and more when she turns and reaches down.

Chiyo grabs the hand and gets up, then launches herself at Undine, tiny arms making a half-circle around the (very very very much) bigger girl's waist.]

U-undine-senpaaaaaaai, I'm sorry I d-dropped your cupcaaaaaaakes!


/CRYING FOREVER hxc_matryoshka April 24 2010, 06:58:55 UTC
[and suddenly there's a tiny, unfamiliar sensation occurring as small, fragile arms wrap--or try to, they're way too fucking scrawny to go all the way--around her.

it takes undine a few seconds to realize it's a hug.
before this week, she hadn't had a hug since before. now she can't get rid of them.

something in her falters, for just a second, and undine brings a hand up to ruffle chiyo's hair-

-and it's gone. she can't do this because doing it will hurt chiyo. and nothing hurts worse than that. her hand stops halfway from its destination]

I wasn't gonna eat them anyways.

[she's still looking down, not sure of how she can get her away]

Let go of me, retard.


;_____________________; magicalmoebeams April 25 2010, 01:29:59 UTC
[Her face is pushed into Undine's stomach, and there is the possibility of snot and tears everywhere. Sorry Undine, she'll pay for the drycleaning.]

B-but I made them just for yoooooooooooou!

[When Undine tells her to let go, she just holds tighter and cries harder. Undine how can you do this to Chiyo she is so cute you terrible person.]

No! You h-haven't taught me how to swim yet!

[She does not care that it's cold and rainy, she is determined that Undine is going to teach her how to swim, and that's going to take a long time.]


/CAN'T SEEE YOUR TEARS I AM TOO BLINDED BY MY OWWWWN hxc_matryoshka April 26 2010, 18:58:02 UTC
[that's way fucking disgusting. and you can't pay for her drycleaning, because undine doesn't know where she's gonna be by the time it's done so there chiyo.]

That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!! You don't even like cupcakes anymore!

[because undine is doing what's best for chiyo, and if that's what makes her a terrible person she's okay with that.]

Tons a people here know how to swim! They can teach you!! So just- just let go!!

[udine rests her hand on chiyo's tiny shoulder. it engulfs it. she can't decide if she's going to physically shove chiyo away from her or not]


Re: /CAN'T SEEE YOUR TEARS I AM TOO BLINDED BY MY OWWWWN magicalmoebeams April 26 2010, 22:42:43 UTC
[Yes she can, because Undine will send her letters and postcards end up being so touched by Chiyo's display of emotion that she will never leave.]

B-but you do!

[No it is not best for Chiyo at all, it is the worst ever for Chiyo, can't you see that, Undine-senpai? Chiyo needs you!]

I w-wanted you to t-teach me... because you're my best friend!

[Her voice is all hiccupy and sad, and she squeezes a little tighter before she steps back and lets go, shoulders slumped in defeat. She looks up at Undine with GIANT SAD EYES.]

You don't really w-want to go, senpai!


hxc_matryoshka April 28 2010, 17:11:49 UTC
I'm your-?

[she swallows, the hand that was about to either shove or ruffle chiyo's hair falling numbly to her side. undine stares at the ground because no one, not even a monster like her, can say no to that face]

No, I don't.
But I'm gonna anyway.

You don't get it Chiyo, it's not safe for you with me here.


magicalmoebeams April 29 2010, 04:35:21 UTC
[Chiyo just shakes her head vehemently. Doesn't Undine understand?]


[She makes her most determined face.]

You'd never hurt anyone! A-and your friends will always be here to help you!

[Her determination sort of falters, and she looks down sadly.]

We can help if you let us.


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