This is awkward enough, thanks...

Apr 21, 2010 08:41

WHO: Asch Grants and Jania Solo, with Han Solo invading at the most (in)appropriate moment.
LOCATION: The Quidditch Pitch
WEEK: 56
TIME: Wednesday afternoon, after classes.
WHAT: Asch just wants some innocent Quidditch practice. Of course it's not going to stay that way.
RATING: PG for fluffiness... until Han shows up anyway. Then who knows.

The morning had not started off as well as Asch would have liked. As soon as he woke up early in the morning, his chest had rebelled against him, worse than it ever had. It left him a gasping, shuddering mess on the top of his bed, and it took everything for him to growl out to his roommates that he was fine and didn't need any help. The attack had taken forever to subside, and he ended up missing out on breakfast. Normally he wouldn't have cared, but he had gotten up as early as he had so he could get in some practice for Quidditch; he liked flying, and he had been hoping the exercise would put him in a better mood to deal with the rest of the monotony he had to put up with here.

Thanks to the attack, he had to slave through that monotony first before he could run off to his little sanctuary in the pitch. He hastily threw on his robes, grabbed his broom, and ran out... so anxious to get started he did not realize he had company until he ended up plowing into it. Him and his "guest" ended up tumbling to the dirt ground, and he forced himself up immediately, a growl in his throat... before he stopped dead when he saw who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jania?"

❧han solo, asch grants, ❧jaina solo

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